Friday, October 5, 2018

My Sweet Jean Paul

This little boy right here y’all... 
You honestly never know what you are going to get when his eyes open each morning.  We have to literally tip toe into his room and sometimes it feels like we are holding our breath to see if we will be greeted with Jean Paul the sweet teddy bear or Jean Paul the moody monster lol.  I’ve even tried to do the same exact routines in the morning to try and duplicate the happy wake ups but you just never know lol.  The only thing that is guaranteed every single morning lately is that before his eyes even completely open he will tell (not ask) tell you he wants fruit loops.  And for your sanity you should just have those already poured into a bowl and waiting for him lol.  I was very well warned that I should probably not give him the middle name Vincent after my great Grandfather, but stubborn me wanted to honor him so badly.  Well the joke is on me now because I have produced a stubborn/hot tempered clone to the tee lol.  My Mom loves to watch Jean Paul do something fiesty and then giggle under her breath and say “uh huh go ahead give him the middle name Vincent; don’t say I didn’t warn you!”  And yes I say he is a handful, but I hope everyone knows I love him more than life itself.  And if you stick around and get to see his teddy bear side you will completely melt.  He can push me to the limit all day long, but with one sweet thing he can make me completely forget I was mad.  He is beyond loveable and kind hearted.  I can not wait to watch him grow because I know he is going to be an amazing young man before I can blink. 

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