Friday, October 19, 2018

Spoiled Rotten

Dates with my Daddy are times I cherish more and more as the years go by.  Some may call
 it spoiled; well ok yes I am spoiled rotten and I will admit it lol.  But at least I am an appreciative spoiled rotten daughter!!!!  Ever since I was a little girl my daddy has always made time for dates just for he and I.  It is one of the things I will always think of when I think of growing up.  Maybe he shouldn’t of taken me to Ruth Chris’s for our very first date because he set the standards pretty high lol!  I mean even as a 6 year old I knew I could never go backwards after that!  This is probably why he was then, is now and always will be the greatest man I know.  No one can compete or even come close to how he makes me feel.  All jokes aside I don’t need fine dining to have fun or spend time with my Daddy, but the special dates still are our tradition and I wouldn’t trade them for the world!!!!

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