Saturday, August 26, 2017

Date Night...... What??????

If you only knew how much I am giggling in my head thinking of what I thought married life would be like after kids!!!!!  

Enjoy the sleep now they said.
Don't expect to always be able to keep plans they said.
It's just easier to stay home then to go to a restaurant with kids they said.
Make sure you remember to brush you teeth they said.
You thought your bed was yours they said.
Be careful what you say you WON'T ever do as a parent they said.
Oh so you say you will never find yourself negotiating with a 2 year old they said.
Don't judge to fast about allowing the Disney channel to be your babysitter they said.
And forget date nights they said!!!!
( can't afford it or find time for that anyway )

Well wow were they right.  And I hate to admit I was sooooooo wrong!  Seriously the last few times we have shipped our kids off to their Grandparents houses we have honestly just wanted to sleep and do nothing (and I can't lie we have taken naps...guilty!)  You can keep your getting ready and fancy dinners.  We just want sleeppppp!

But tonight as tired as we are we are hitting the town.  Well dinner and maybe meet up with a friend after that I honestly do not believe will happen.  But one out of two is good right?  
So here goes nothing an official date night, I don't even know if I know how to do this anymore LOL!!

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