Saturday, August 5, 2017

Weekends Are For Dance Parties

I've always heard that having kids in the house is like having 24 hour free entertainment!  Well it's true!  And I LOVE it!  This sound of laughter and young giggles is like medicine to my soul.  A lot of people have asked me how I got through the days after Braxton passed away?  I honestly can not give a true and straight forward answer to that.  But there is one thing that still haunts me.....  It's the silence.  The silence was by far one of the hardest parts.  And I think it was so hard because I knew the silence was not supposed to be there.  We were supposed to be having sleepless nights, cries, feedings, crankiness and giggles. There were sleepless nights, and cries but from me but still no giggles.  So now more than ever when I absolutely want to go crazy because there has not been any quiet time in our house I can't help but stop and giggle.  These are the things I prayed and wished for most!  And to me the more giggles the merrier, which means the more people surrounding us the better.  So it's a thing in our neighborhood to pour the moms some wine, let the kids dress up, turn up the music and one by one introduce them into the living room for a dance party!  And boy are there lots of giggles!!!!  The moms usually try and take over the dance floor which ends up leading to way more giggles!!!!  

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