Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Perfect To Us

Phew this afternoon was all about whining and crying at our house.  Felt like nothing I did was right, even down to putting Leighton's shirt on to go outside on backwards lol.  It was just one of those days.  Kept trying to figure out what I could do to settle them and make them happy.  At one point we went outside which is usually an instant happy place.  But even that was not it.  I looked over at my babies by Braxton's flag for Osteogenesis Imperfecta awareness and it hit me...  this month is hard for all of us.  Even though they never met their brother 5 years ago I know they know him very well.  And so I said "Do ya'll want to hear the story of the day Bubba was born?"  Yes Yes Yes I heard from Leighton.  You see they are to young to hear the long version of that perfect day, but the short one pleases them just fine.  And every time I tell it I say how God needed him more because he was a perfect angel!  "And perfect to us Mommy" Leighton said in the sweetest little voice.  As Jean Paul just kept repeating "Bubba Bubba" while he pointed his chubby little finger to the sky.  Instant pride and joy came over me and a few tears that I had to wipe away before they caught me.  All I could say was "Yes he was PERFECT to us, Yes he was!!!!"

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