Thursday, August 3, 2017

Tired Mom Mishaps

It's 6:00 AM and I reach down into my cabinet below my bathroom sink to pull out my hair product.  Give one pump, rub my hands together and run it through my hair basically all the while my eyes are almost still closed.  As a working Mother of two kids under the age of 3 and a husband who works 2 jobs and gets home by 9:00 PM at the earliest every night.  I am tired.  No let me rephrase that I am exhausted lol.  Like to the point of no catching up on sleep now, I am far past that point!  So my shower is usually with me half asleep and getting ready is like a robot routine.  This morning was no different, but as I reached down to put the cap back on my hair product I noticed what I had done!!!  NOOOOOOO wait why is the cap off the foaming sunles tanner?  I quickly look at my hands that are now a tint of a shade darker than they were a few minutes ago!  Crap well no time to re-shower at least it smells good.  They both are foam products in my defense but come on Sarah!  So yes if you saw me today and my hair looked a little darker, it was tanned!  Sorry like I said I am tired and honestly a part of me didn’t care if I had tanner in my hair.  My kids were happy this morning even though the amount of times they decided to wake us up last night was extreme.  They looked adorable as usual in my eyes and I wasn’t late to work.  So all in all a great morning!  But I do think it is time to separate my hair products from my beauty products LOL! 

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