Monday, August 21, 2017

How Did I???????

Phew I am having one of those Negative Nancy evenings!!!!  Just can't seem to snap out of it.  Hoping it's just because it's out first day back from vacation and reality is setting back in.  But man being negative is exhausting lol!!!  

This is my brain just in the last hour:

How did I get this tired?
How did I forget to pick up milk when I was in the darn store for it?
How did I let myself scream at them this afternoon?
How did I not take time to wash scrubs before vacation so they would be ready?
How did I fall off my diet so bad last week?
How did I get this old?
How did all those cutesy Moms pull it off after having kids?
How did I manage going all day with my bra on inside out?
How did Jean Paul figure out how to get mashed potatoes so far in his tiny little nostril?
How did Leighton find her Daddy's hiding spot for his Mike & Ike's and eat over half the box before I noticed?
How did the Star Spangled Banner become the song of choice to sing at the top of my lungs to get my kids attention?

Then I walk back into the bathroom to this......


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