Monday, August 7, 2017

Packing Is So Much Fun (Said No One)

So packing for a trip is one of my least favorite things to do.  You see my ADD & OCD brain seriously collides during this process.  And this was bad when I only had to pack for myself back in the day.  Now I have to pack for me, Leighton & Jean Paul, I draw the line at packing for Brent lol. 

Three major things you must know about me when I pack:
1)  I am that girl who swears every year that she is not going to over pack.
2)  I am also that girl that insists on having everything washed before I begin.
3)  I am also that girl who somehow waits till the very night before to truly start packing.

Ok so I'm sure lots of us swear we will not over pack.  But I honestly do it every single stinking year.  Like when we load the car Brent is like ummmm how long are staying???  But I remind him every year have we ever forgotten something LOL?  Bam take that.  No but why does this happen like clockwork each time we go somewhere.  Especially when we are headed to the beach.  You literally need a couple outfits, bathing suits, towels and a few shoes.  Every time we get there I never ever wear all the outfits I have packed, because we do not go to many places that bathing suits aren't the attire.  Oh and don't think I can coordinate only bringing outfits that would let me wear the same shoe over and over, because that's to easy Right??  But this is the year I am going to do it I promise!!!  
And I must also let you know we have a good size SUV and we may or may not of had to purchase a hard top luggage carrier for our car last year in order to bring what I packed OOPS!!!

Now I mentioned that I have to have everything washed before I begin.  Well I do not mean everything I am going to pack for the trip.  I literally mean EVERYTHING we own in the entire house that's clothing.  I don't know why this is a must for me.  But I don't want to miss any cute options for the kids or me for that matter.  And if I can't see it how will I know what to pack LOL.  So yes I wash everything we own and lay it out in cute little piles to figure out what is what.  Then I lay it out for each day we will be there and check it off my list.  Are you tired yet ?
And for this step I must let you know that I may or may not have to also iron it all too OOPS!!!

And lastly with all of those steps and lists to check off you would think I would begin this whole process at least a good week before we leave or at the worst a few days.  NOPE not this chick.  Every year I have wonderful plans and goals of doing that and being ready to go the morning of with no last minute packing.  But I always seem to be up till midnight or later because I procrastinated soooooo much.  But I do usually have my list made out for the final draft by this time at least, but I can guarantee you nothing is checked off yet.

And here is a good time to let you know... that I truthfully may or may not be capable of beginning these steps on the final night before we leave without a glass or two of wine while I work OOPS!!!

BUT MARK MY WORDS THIS IS THE YEAR I DO IT ALL AND HAVE TIME TO SPARE.  We are planning to leave on Sunday, but if weather allows Brent to get in all of his grass cutting work we may take off Friday for a little more vacation time.  So I sit here tonight 4 possibly 6 nights prior to departure and I am proud to say I have all of Brent & I's clothes washed and dried and the kids are getting started now!  All bathing suits are in their cute little beach piles (with matching bows or hats).  And at this point no wine has been consumed..... YET!!!
So wish me luck this may be my year!

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