Doesn’t everybody brush their theeth with just their socks and shoes on? This bit is serious about getting into the No Cavity club like his sister! Never a dull moment around here!!!! Guess I can’t fuss at least he is brushing.
Each day is a blessing yet a struggle as I learn to live as a grieving mother and a mother I want my other children to love! Braxton our first born son changed our lives and taught us so much. He also paved the way for his following siblings to dodge the curse of our DNA. We have had to find a different way to make our dreams of a family a reality. So Good Play DNA you thought you had us but we showed you that only God is in charge when it comes to miracles.
Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
Sometimes We Break
"Mommy I drew a picture of Bubba, he is our family!" “See his wings Mommy?” (Leighton Rose 3 years old) |
Thank you Mom for allowing me to break and thank you for admitting that even though you hurt and miss our sweet Braxton too, that sometimes you don't know how hard it is to function day in and day out in my shoes. Thank you for catching me every single time I fall and thank you for seeing that I do appreciate my blessings I have been given with all of my heart, but those blessings don't fill the piece of my heart that was lost.
I may break from time to time, but I will never give up. I will forever be in awe of God's plan for me. For he knows I am normal for what I feel and he does not judge my path of coping. He also knows that I will continue to share my journey with others in hopes of helping through my sweet boy's memory.
Monday, February 26, 2018
Sunday, February 25, 2018
Anytime With Them Is Worth It
With Poorain & Ney Ney living in Texas we don’t get as much time with them as we used to it as much as we want! But after a great weekend of celebrating and getting ready for the big wedding next weekend we are soaking up all the extra time lately. On their way out today they came by for a quick visit at our house. And even though we wish it could of lasted longer, anytime with them is worth it. Especially when I see the smiles they put on my kids faces!
Saturday, February 24, 2018
Tears From Sun Up To Sun Down
4:45 AM - Brent quietly wakes me to tell me he is leaving so I move me and Leighton from our secret sleepover in the living room to my bedroom
4:50 AM - Jean Paul is screaming because he heard Brent’s truck start
5:00 AM - His screaming is getting worse (which I should let you know I am not a huge let them cry it out type of Mom)
5:05 AM - Now me and both kids are in the bed but only one of us is ready to start the day=Jean Paul
7:00 AM - By this time Leighton has been crying for over and hour begging Jean Paul
to “JUST CLOSE YOUR EYES” lol while he refuses to anything but purposely try and annoy her
7:10 AM - Done trying lets get up lol
7:10 - 9:00 AM - Breakfast, toys, cartoons and even a little time in the backyard
11:00 AM - both kids covered in mud so bath time
11:10 AM - I literally witness my son falling asleep on the couch which has never in 2 years EVERRRRRR happened ( that 4:45 AM wake up call is catching up to him)
1:10 PM - Finally pull out of my driveway to realize I need gas ( which by far is my least favorite thing to do lol) I zoom into the station closest to my house and tell myself to just pump enough to top the tank off and call it a day lol. As I let go of the pump randomly I realize my total is $17.17 I can't hope but giggle because Braxton's sign to us is the number 17!!!
2:00 PM - After getting gas and making it to my Mom’s she confirms what I thought she would by telling me Leighton's dress is too short lol. Sooooo wardrobe change but thankfully I was prepared! Being OCD has its proud moments sometimes LOL!
2:55 PM - Arrive at bridal shower 5 minutes early which in my book is a major WIN for me lol
3:00 - 5:30 PM - Leighton and I have an amazing time visiting with friends, family and future family while celebrating the bride to be. Leighton was beyond excited to assist with the opening of all of the gifts and in my eyes fulfilled her flower girl duties beautifully!
5:35 PM - While heading to the car Leighton asked to see the fountain and throw coins in to make wishes. We found 3 coins and she said one was for her, Jean Paul and Bubba. My heart exploded as I watched her toss each one in and say what she wished for each of them!
(In her words)
For her - “Ney Ney to say “You did so good” when I do my walk for the big wedding and get a unicorn back pack too”
For Jean Paul - “Be Good” (guess that was self explanatory lol)
For Bubba - “To teach me something like he teached me everything else I know since I was 1, 2, 3 and even when I am 4 Mom”
5:55 PM - I am looking in my rear view mirror at my sweet daughter wondering how I got to be so lucky and thanking myself for not rushing out like always and actually taking the time to just throw coins in the fountain. That simple act of pausing gave me more happiness than I could of ever imagined.
6:15 PM - We arrive back at Moms to pick up Jean Paul who decides since he has behaved all afternoon for my brother and my Dad that he needs to prove he has a little evil side to him. So time out times 10 went down with many apologizes too lol
7:45 PM - I am headed back home while Brent keeps calling to see what I want him to do for us for dinner. Without completely going psycho on him I try to reasonably tell him I am so far past tired that I don’t really have enough brain cells to even form an answer for him right now lol
7:55 PM - I arrive home but as I put the car in park I realize I hear snoring in the back of the car, which can only mean a moms worst nightmare..... kids asleep well before bedtime but well after nap time which equals hell time when it comes time for bed.
8:15 PM - After Brent and I have unloaded both kids which in the process means they both awaken and by this time we have both also tried to console them because they are not only tired but now the are tired and very mad. Don't know if they are mad that they did not get a full sleep or if they are mad we thought they needed to get out of the car seats for their own safety instead of allowing them to stay in there all night alone lol
8:30 PM - All I can do is laugh because they are so upset all they can do is scream and cry and to add to that everything Brent did Leighton would begin to cry even more; although, he was honestly trying to please her lol.
Example #1 - her flowers from Valentines Day are starting to wilt and he pointed that out bu saying it was almost time for Daddy to buy her some new ones which to her was the end of the world, so very sweetly Brent plucked one of the roses with life still in it and placed it in a single bud vase. As he approached her with it she completely lost it sobbing and screaming. His face was priceless lol. He literally looked like a crawfish as he stopped in his tracks then slowly started back peddling into the kitchen.
Example #2 - Brent had stopped to pick up McDonald's for them to make it easy once I got home with them so late and apparently Leighton thought he should of opted for the Super Size Fries when it was obvious he went for the Medium size. A whole new chain of tears.
Example #3 - I asked that we both calmly try to put them in their pj's but in Leighton's eyes Brent is not qualified for that task as she screamed and threw herself everywhere and insisted Mommy dressed her.
Example #4 - I think by far the best "Daddy can do no right moment" tonight was Brent bought her a brand new pack of Popcorn today and was excited to tell her. In the moment she begin smiling and squealing in excitement when he offered to pop her some. After her and Jean Paul had eaten over half of the bag of popcorn Leighton disappeared and then we heard "Mommy come wipe me" Routinely I finished my Mommy duties of poo poo wiping and she walked out the bathroom straight up to her Daddy and says
"Your popcorn made diarrhea" I busted out laughing as Brent looked at her and them me confused. It what baby he asked? Without any hesitation she repeated her statement loud and clear
"Your popcorn made diarrhea" still shocked Brent looked at me like What? So to clear things up for him I said "Your popcorn you made gave her diarrhea which basically sums up that you can not do anything right tonight" LOL. He slowly looks back at her and says "Oh well that's nothing new baby" Both he and I couldn't help from laughing. Yes I knew it was a jab at me but it was funny and he was right too.
So this Saturday ended the same exact way it started....
With A Lot Of Tears!!!!!
Yes there were a lot of smiles, giggles and happiness in between the tears but in the end we all just wanted to cry and start over.
There are some days no matter how hard you try there just seems to be nothing you can do right lol. Praying tomorrow starts off differently for all of us, but overall I wouldn't trade the good moments of today for anything.
Right before bed Leighton proudly walked into the living room with a handful of bubbles. With a smile from ear to ear she showed them off to me and I asked her where she got them from and she proudly stated "MY DADDY!" I told her to sneak into the bathroom and stand in the tub and blow the bubbles real real hard and see what happens. After I snapped this last pic of the night I walked the other away instead of following her into the bathroom, but from behind me I could hear giggles from a little girl that couldn't help herself from enjoying something her Daddy had done for her and from something her Mom told her to do (both secretly being things not allowed in her eyes). It was probably the smallest thing in both of our eyes that we had done today. Him handing her a stack of bubbles from the sink as he washed dishes and me instructing her to make a mess; but the laugh I heard coming from the bathroom was pure happiness.
There will be times in their lives that they will like us/appreciate the things we do for them (big or small) and today proved to me those moments will not always be ones that we will witness. But as parents we must keep trying and showing them we love them because even when we don't get to witness their smiles every single second of every single day.....
it is still worth it if we get them to smile at all!!!!!
7:00 AM - By this time Leighton has been crying for over and hour begging Jean Paul
to “JUST CLOSE YOUR EYES” lol while he refuses to anything but purposely try and annoy her
7:10 AM - Done trying lets get up lol
7:10 - 9:00 AM - Breakfast, toys, cartoons and even a little time in the backyard
11:00 AM - both kids covered in mud so bath time
11:10 AM - I literally witness my son falling asleep on the couch which has never in 2 years EVERRRRRR happened ( that 4:45 AM wake up call is catching up to him)
11:15 AM - I slowly try to transfer him to his bed for a nap but he is not happy with my plan at all and decides to join us for another hour of playtime before he actually goes down for a nap
11:25 AM - Lunch time consists of waffles since my kids decide to be Picky for all of the month of February so far
12:00 PM - I know Leighton needs a nap but I also realize I have exactly one hour to shower and get myself ready in order to have enough time to drop Jean Paul off to my brother so Leighton and I can attend my sister in laws bridal shower sooooooo I bargain with her if she rests in my bed watching a movie then we will call it a deal
1:00 PM - Rushing as usual I wake Jean Paul which goes way smoother than I anticipated due to the past experiences we have had when waking him instead of allowing him to wake on his own1:10 PM - Finally pull out of my driveway to realize I need gas ( which by far is my least favorite thing to do lol) I zoom into the station closest to my house and tell myself to just pump enough to top the tank off and call it a day lol. As I let go of the pump randomly I realize my total is $17.17 I can't hope but giggle because Braxton's sign to us is the number 17!!!
2:00 PM - After getting gas and making it to my Mom’s she confirms what I thought she would by telling me Leighton's dress is too short lol. Sooooo wardrobe change but thankfully I was prepared! Being OCD has its proud moments sometimes LOL!
2:55 PM - Arrive at bridal shower 5 minutes early which in my book is a major WIN for me lol
3:00 - 5:30 PM - Leighton and I have an amazing time visiting with friends, family and future family while celebrating the bride to be. Leighton was beyond excited to assist with the opening of all of the gifts and in my eyes fulfilled her flower girl duties beautifully!
5:35 PM - While heading to the car Leighton asked to see the fountain and throw coins in to make wishes. We found 3 coins and she said one was for her, Jean Paul and Bubba. My heart exploded as I watched her toss each one in and say what she wished for each of them!
(In her words)
For her - “Ney Ney to say “You did so good” when I do my walk for the big wedding and get a unicorn back pack too”
For Jean Paul - “Be Good” (guess that was self explanatory lol)
For Bubba - “To teach me something like he teached me everything else I know since I was 1, 2, 3 and even when I am 4 Mom”
5:55 PM - I am looking in my rear view mirror at my sweet daughter wondering how I got to be so lucky and thanking myself for not rushing out like always and actually taking the time to just throw coins in the fountain. That simple act of pausing gave me more happiness than I could of ever imagined.
6:15 PM - We arrive back at Moms to pick up Jean Paul who decides since he has behaved all afternoon for my brother and my Dad that he needs to prove he has a little evil side to him. So time out times 10 went down with many apologizes too lol
7:45 PM - I am headed back home while Brent keeps calling to see what I want him to do for us for dinner. Without completely going psycho on him I try to reasonably tell him I am so far past tired that I don’t really have enough brain cells to even form an answer for him right now lol
7:55 PM - I arrive home but as I put the car in park I realize I hear snoring in the back of the car, which can only mean a moms worst nightmare..... kids asleep well before bedtime but well after nap time which equals hell time when it comes time for bed.
8:15 PM - After Brent and I have unloaded both kids which in the process means they both awaken and by this time we have both also tried to console them because they are not only tired but now the are tired and very mad. Don't know if they are mad that they did not get a full sleep or if they are mad we thought they needed to get out of the car seats for their own safety instead of allowing them to stay in there all night alone lol
8:30 PM - All I can do is laugh because they are so upset all they can do is scream and cry and to add to that everything Brent did Leighton would begin to cry even more; although, he was honestly trying to please her lol.
Example #1 - her flowers from Valentines Day are starting to wilt and he pointed that out bu saying it was almost time for Daddy to buy her some new ones which to her was the end of the world, so very sweetly Brent plucked one of the roses with life still in it and placed it in a single bud vase. As he approached her with it she completely lost it sobbing and screaming. His face was priceless lol. He literally looked like a crawfish as he stopped in his tracks then slowly started back peddling into the kitchen.
Example #2 - Brent had stopped to pick up McDonald's for them to make it easy once I got home with them so late and apparently Leighton thought he should of opted for the Super Size Fries when it was obvious he went for the Medium size. A whole new chain of tears.
Example #3 - I asked that we both calmly try to put them in their pj's but in Leighton's eyes Brent is not qualified for that task as she screamed and threw herself everywhere and insisted Mommy dressed her.
Example #4 - I think by far the best "Daddy can do no right moment" tonight was Brent bought her a brand new pack of Popcorn today and was excited to tell her. In the moment she begin smiling and squealing in excitement when he offered to pop her some. After her and Jean Paul had eaten over half of the bag of popcorn Leighton disappeared and then we heard "Mommy come wipe me" Routinely I finished my Mommy duties of poo poo wiping and she walked out the bathroom straight up to her Daddy and says
"Your popcorn made diarrhea" I busted out laughing as Brent looked at her and them me confused. It what baby he asked? Without any hesitation she repeated her statement loud and clear
"Your popcorn made diarrhea" still shocked Brent looked at me like What? So to clear things up for him I said "Your popcorn you made gave her diarrhea which basically sums up that you can not do anything right tonight" LOL. He slowly looks back at her and says "Oh well that's nothing new baby" Both he and I couldn't help from laughing. Yes I knew it was a jab at me but it was funny and he was right too.
So this Saturday ended the same exact way it started....
With A Lot Of Tears!!!!!
Yes there were a lot of smiles, giggles and happiness in between the tears but in the end we all just wanted to cry and start over.
There are some days no matter how hard you try there just seems to be nothing you can do right lol. Praying tomorrow starts off differently for all of us, but overall I wouldn't trade the good moments of today for anything.
Right before bed Leighton proudly walked into the living room with a handful of bubbles. With a smile from ear to ear she showed them off to me and I asked her where she got them from and she proudly stated "MY DADDY!" I told her to sneak into the bathroom and stand in the tub and blow the bubbles real real hard and see what happens. After I snapped this last pic of the night I walked the other away instead of following her into the bathroom, but from behind me I could hear giggles from a little girl that couldn't help herself from enjoying something her Daddy had done for her and from something her Mom told her to do (both secretly being things not allowed in her eyes). It was probably the smallest thing in both of our eyes that we had done today. Him handing her a stack of bubbles from the sink as he washed dishes and me instructing her to make a mess; but the laugh I heard coming from the bathroom was pure happiness.
There will be times in their lives that they will like us/appreciate the things we do for them (big or small) and today proved to me those moments will not always be ones that we will witness. But as parents we must keep trying and showing them we love them because even when we don't get to witness their smiles every single second of every single day.....
it is still worth it if we get them to smile at all!!!!!
Friday, February 23, 2018
Girls Just Want To Have Fun
Well sometimes when the boys are fast asleep you have to sneak out of bed and have a girl party! Secretly me and Leighton had a movie night on the air mattress with no one knowing.... at least yet lol. The boys are gonna sure be confused when they wake up and see what we were up to last night. Making memories with my daughter is way more fun than I ever knew possible!!!!
Thursday, February 22, 2018
Timing Is Everything
Oh Jean Paul Vincent how you will give me grey hair for many years my precious boy...... perfect time to slam your head on the cement and bruise your adorable face since your Poorain is getting married in one week lol! Oh yeah and you are in the wedding SON!!!!!
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
Missing Mardi Gras Already
Missing Mardi Gras already!!! Lots of people give Carnival Season a bad reputation because the assume it is all about drinking and nothing else. And yes there is more than likely drinking going on but if you look around there is also a lot of families enjoying a fun day together. We had such a great day with Maw Maw and friends. There is a safe way to spend Mardi Gras too. Letting the kids run around and be outside with tons of parades and good music does something for the soul. Each year that passes I enjoy the celebration even more as I see something new in my kids as they grow older. Nothing beats seeing the smiles on their faces and the light in their eyes when the see their Papa, Pepa and Daddy up their on the floats. And then when they get to go through what they caught the excitement starts all over. I was so proud to watch them share their loot with their friends this year. Leighton for sure has the love of Mardi Gras in her blood naturally, my girl never got off the rail and waved and hollered for beads until the last float was out of site. I mostly enjoyed hearing her giggle as her and I kept running along the path to keep up with Pepa and Daddy's float trying to catch more beads. And by far the sweetest moment was seeing Leighton and Jean Paul wave with their little hands and blow kisses to the men the love so much! Nothing beats good ole fashioned Mardi Gras Day with your friends and family in my eyes.
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Family Friends
When your best friends have somewhere they need to be you take in their kids for the night!!! Pizza party, movies, barbies, baby dolls and bubble baths!!!! And in the words of them.... Sarrie you do know tonight is a school night lol. Oh and I even squeezed in a practice spelling test that included mandatory dance moves or it was considered incorrect! Love my family friends and their little ones!!
Monday, February 19, 2018
Siblings Are Forever
I hope you both always see how lucky you are to have a sibling,
and that you know it is the absolute best feeling in the world
and no one...
absolutely no one will ever understand you better than you understand each other.
Some days you will think you’d rather be an only child,
but I know that feeling won’t last long.
You will do so much for each other throughout your lives
and somethings you will feel goes unrecognized,
but never stop being their for one another.
And always remember...
Siblings Are Forever!
Sunday, February 18, 2018
I will never fully understand how I ever got so lucky! Being their Mommy is a blessing I will never take for granted!
Saturday, February 17, 2018
Even When I Feel Like I Am Failing
I am trying
with all that is in me
to learn
and grow
and be healthy
and patient
and kind
and respond the right way
and do the right thing.
I hope my kids see that.
Even on the days when they
are fighting
and are refusing to do what I want
and it is too hard
and I have given all that I have
and I think it isn't supposed to look like this,
I am not a failure.
I don't need to try harder.
There is not a formula that will make everything perfect if I could just get it right.
And that is ok.
Because my children will have days like this too in life,
and they will need to know
what is looks like to breathe in grace!
Today was one of those days where I truly felt like a failure as a Mom. I got aggravated and snappy and even lost reaction time in a moment I should of been able to prevent. But as I lay here crying while my kids sleep in bed I have to keep repeating to myself that I am not a failure. I pray my babies always know that no matter what I will always be there behind them to catch them in life, but that I am far from perfect myself. Admitting that seems more important to teach them than to hide. I will have days I feel like super Mom and then days like today where I don't feel worthy to even be their Mommy, but that is ok. Because tomorrow is a new day for new memories and we will start fresh. I fought to hard for my dream of being a Mom to become a reality.... so one hard day is nothing I can't take.
It isn't easy to take but it is worth every tear that got me here......
and here is right where I want to be even on the days I feel like I have failed!!
Friday, February 16, 2018
It may not of been for long but we FINALLY got some outside time! Come on time change we are ready for you, but please take the mosquitos away lol!
Thursday, February 15, 2018
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Valentine’s Day With My Loves
Today was definitely a day of love all day long! Our sweet babies woke up to a few Valentine’s Day surprises that put smiles on their precious faces as soon as they saw them. To my surprise they also had treats for Mommy & Daddy too! Maw Maw had them color us Valentine Cards that were prettier than any Hallmark card that could of been bought at the store. Leighton was so proud to give them to me and Brent and even prouder to tell us she made them. Crazy thing is that I am usually on top of holiday ideas, but since Mardi Gras fell so close to it this I completely lost track of time, but I guess it was my turn to be surprised. As always Braxton had a Valentine surprise sitting out just like his brother and sister. And this was the first year we didn’t even have to explain that the balloon was for Bubba, Leighton new the second she saw it.
After daycare we headed straight to the cemetery to celebrate Valentine’s Day with Braxton. Before I could even finish getting the gifts we were bringing him out of the car Leighton & Jean Paul we’re already by his side talking and giggling. My heart could of literally exploded with happiness. Since we finally had decent weather I decided to let them play for awhile. We literally ran and play for 45 minutes before the sun started to go down! I couldn’t of asked for a better way to celebrate than being right there with my three babies. As I began to load Jean Paul into the car Leighton started screaming “I have to go back Mommy I forgot to kiss Bubba!” As I made my way around the car to watch her run back for a Valentine Kiss I saw this moment.....
On our way home I was smiling and thinking about how much I love our Valentine tradition. Then to my surprise Leighton and I had roses waiting for both of us when we got home. Hearing Leighton squeal as she entered the kitchen and saw them was beyond priceless. She was so giddy she did not know why do with herself lol! And Miss Priss even directed me where to put her vase and where to put mine because they did not look good on the kitchen island lol!!!!

After bathing Daddy got home from cutting grass and both kids were beyond wired. Which I am guessing is from the candy I finally allowed them to have after they had stared at all morning and then probably dreamed about all day long lol. But as I came back into the living room to check on why it was so quiet I found them like this.... on Daddy’s lap reading a book. A perfect way to end a perfect Valentine’s Day! I love my family so much, I just hope they feel it today and everyday for the rest of their lives!!!!
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Monday, February 12, 2018
Surprise Date Nights Are The Best
Sometimes the days that secretly seem the hardest don’t always go unnoticed. Thank you Mom and Brent for making a date night happen and for loving me even on the days I don’t think I’m worth it.
Sunday, February 11, 2018
Lazy Weekends Are The Best
The rain sure did change our plans this weekend. Instead of parades and beads we ended up spending more time together which in my eyes is the best thing ever! Girl day shopping with Maw Maw, air mattress movie night, church, a visit to see Bubba, lunch at one of our favorite places and ended the weekend with our besties coming over to hang out and eat! Well who would of ever thought planned weekends that turn into unplanned weekends end up being the best weekends!!!!
Saturday, February 10, 2018
Throw Me Something Pepa
Got a text this morning with a message that simply read:
Throw Me Something Pepa!!!!
It's all I needed for my day to start off perfect.
Because the man...
- who loves Mardi Gras more than any other time of year sent me this text
- that took us year after year to parades when we were younger
- who taught us the tricks to catching the most beads such as:
- screaming "Hey Doc" at float since there is always at least one Dr on every float
- always having a pocket full of doubloons ready to throw on the ground when you saw someone you knew on a float (because when rookies hear the dinging of the doubloons hitting the ground they will go down to get them quick which leaves you the only man standing to catch the beads from your friend
- giving the bead to the kid who fought you for it because there will always be more beads and the smile you get in return is worth way more
- that could care less if it rains or shines on Mardi Gras day because he believes
- who goes every year to the children's floor at our local hospital to participate in their hospital parade just to see kids smile
- that can't wait to be able to invite someone new to experience Mardi Gras Season so they can see why he loves it
- who lives to hear "HEY JOHN O" from the crowd each year
- that packs over a hundred to two hundred crown royal bags each year stuffed with the best beads you can find and a note that reads...
You just got the Royal Treatment from John O
for his friends and lucky parade goers
- who now welcomes my husband to ride on his float so they can make many memories and see the reaction on Leighton and Jean Paul's faces as they see them in the parade
- that I have watched every year since he started riding years ago with the exception of one year that I was 8 months pregnant and he forbid me to stand out there because it was sleeting and the roads had ice on them
- who includes my children in the excitement of the season, and yes that means he always includes our sweet Angel son Braxton too by picking him out a special bead and brings it to him every year at the cemetery
- who includes my children in the excitement of the season, and yes that means he always includes our sweet Angel son Braxton too by picking him out a special bead and brings it to him every year at the cemetery
Each year I get to watch my Daddy beam with happiness when it is Mardi Gras time. For years he managed the City Club which is where the Gabriel riders would begin their Fat Tuesday morning with a breakfast before the big ride. I remember him saying one day he would be one of those men riding. Well he wasn't lying he made that happen, but that doesn't surprise me at all. He now feeds the Krewe of Gabriel men on Monday at the float den as they get in the carnival mood and prepare their floats for the big ride the next day, the ride he is so honored to be in now. All my life my Daddy has never truly had a hobby such as hunting or fish for example, Mardi Gras Day is his hobby. He waits all year long for this one day. It taught me mostly that it doesn't matter what your hobby is, what matters is if your heart is in it. And watching him pass on the float each year with the biggest smile on his face and the shocked look when he sees me in the crowd is priceless. It has always tickled me how shocked he truly looks to find me in the crowd because he always know I'm gonna be there, and he always knows before hand exactly where I will be standing lol. I guess it is the rush of the moment and the adrenaline of the ride! Now I get to bring my kids each year to wait and see him in all his glory. Leighton has already learned that Pepa throws the good stuff because just last week we were practicing our Mardi Gras wave and screaming "Throw Me Something Misters" and when I threw her a bead she looked at me in disgust and said "UMMMM these are not like the beads Pepa gives me????" Well excuse me I guess you will just have to wait for him to throw you the real ones I thought LOL.
Like I said earlier his tradition is his hundreds of Crown Royal bags he throws. But I must let you all in on a little secret.... Behind every King is an amazing Queen that supports him. That my friends would be my Mom. She goes each year and helps him load the bags and separate the beads so that each bag is equal. And then she prints out his signature saying on business cards with the year and stuffs them in each one! My Mom has never got the Mardi Gras fever like my Dad does, but she sure does love seeing him get excited each year as he prepares for the big ride! So if you are in Lafayette, Louisiana on Mardi Gras Day look for John O. I promise you won't regret getting his attention or one of his Royal Treatment Bags!!! But most of all look for that smile, the one that brings tears to my eyes each year as his float is past us and continuing down the parade route. Call me crazy but when you see someone you love so much so happy you can't help but love Carnival Time too!!!
Friday, February 9, 2018
Thank You
Dear God,
Thank you for
and tomorrow.
My family,
my joys,
and my sorrows.
For all the made me stronger!
Thursday, February 8, 2018
Moments I Had Planned
Thousands of moments that I had planned for us
and just took for granted would happen -
Mostly because I assumed that you would be with us
for longer than a day -
Selfishly I believed there would be a thousand more.
Wednesday, February 7, 2018
You Know It’s In Your Blood
When you are practicing your parade wave, bead catching poses and singing Mardi Gras Mambo all before 7 AM you know you have the season etched in your blood naturally! This Momma is praying some serious prayers to her boy in heaven to please keep the rain away! These cuties are so excited about Mardi Gras they can’t stand it. And I don’t know what I’ll do if we aren’t able to go due to weather. Being that they know now that’s Pepa, Popa and Daddy all ride in the parade they can hardly stand the wait. Now I know their special riders will stash some of the best beads and goodies aside for them but it is not the same as going! So for now we will keep practicing our “Throw Me Something Mister” yells and get our posters ready just in case the weather holds out!!!
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