Saturday, February 24, 2018

Tears From Sun Up To Sun Down

Recap of our day goes like this:
4:45 AM - Brent quietly wakes me to tell me he is leaving so I move me and Leighton from our secret sleepover in the living room to my bedroom
4:50 AM - Jean Paul is screaming because he heard Brent’s truck start 
5:00 AM - His screaming is getting worse (which I should let you know I am not a huge let them cry it out type of Mom)
5:05 AM - Now me and both kids are in the bed but only one of us is ready to start the day=Jean Paul
7:00 AM - By this time Leighton has been crying for over and hour begging Jean Paul
to “JUST CLOSE YOUR EYES” lol while he refuses to anything but purposely try and annoy her
7:10 AM - Done trying lets get up lol
7:10 - 9:00 AM - Breakfast, toys, cartoons and even a little time in the backyard
11:00 AM - both kids covered in mud so bath time
11:10 AM - I literally witness my son falling asleep on the couch which has never in 2 years EVERRRRRR happened ( that 4:45 AM wake up call is catching up to him)
11:15 AM - I slowly try to transfer him to his bed for a nap but he is not happy with my plan at all and decides to join us for another hour of playtime before he actually goes down for a nap
11:25 AM - Lunch time consists of waffles since my kids decide to be Picky for all of the month of February so far
12:00 PM - I know Leighton needs a nap but I also realize I have exactly one hour to shower and get myself ready in order to have enough time to drop Jean Paul off to my brother so Leighton and I can attend my sister in laws bridal shower sooooooo I bargain with her if she rests in my bed watching a movie then we will call it a deal 
1:00 PM - Rushing as usual I wake Jean Paul which goes way smoother than I anticipated due to the past experiences we have had when waking him instead of allowing him to wake on his own
1:10 PM - Finally pull out of my driveway to realize I need gas ( which by far is my least favorite thing to do lol)  I zoom into the station closest to my house and tell myself to just pump enough to top the tank off and call it a day lol.  As I let go of the pump randomly I realize my total is $17.17 I can't hope but giggle because Braxton's sign to us is the number 17!!!
2:00 PM - After getting gas and making it to my Mom’s she confirms what I thought she would by telling me Leighton's dress is too short lol.  Sooooo wardrobe change but thankfully I was prepared! Being OCD has its proud moments sometimes LOL!
2:55 PM - Arrive at bridal shower 5 minutes early which in my book is a major WIN for me lol
3:00 - 5:30 PM - Leighton and I have an amazing time visiting with friends, family and future family while celebrating the bride to be.  Leighton was beyond excited to assist with the opening of all of the gifts and in my eyes fulfilled her flower girl duties beautifully!
 5:35 PM - While heading to the car Leighton asked to see the fountain and throw coins in to make wishes.   We found 3 coins and she said one was for her, Jean Paul and Bubba.  My heart exploded as I watched her toss each one in and say what she wished for each of them!
(In her words)
For her - “Ney Ney to say “You did so good” when I do my walk for the big wedding and get a unicorn back pack too”
For Jean Paul - “Be Good” (guess that was self explanatory lol)
For Bubba - “To teach me something like he teached me everything else I know since I was 1, 2, 3 and even when I am 4 Mom”

5:55 PM - I am looking in my rear view mirror at my sweet daughter wondering how I got to be so lucky and thanking myself for not rushing out like always and actually taking the time to just throw coins in the fountain.  That simple act of pausing gave me more happiness than I could of ever imagined.
6:15 PM - We arrive back at Moms to pick up Jean Paul who decides since he has behaved all afternoon for my brother and my Dad that he needs to prove he has a little evil side to him.  So time out times 10 went down with many apologizes too lol
7:45 PM - I am headed back home while Brent keeps calling to see what I want him to do for us for dinner.  Without completely going psycho on him I try to reasonably tell him I am so far past tired that I don’t really have enough brain cells to even form an answer for him right now lol
7:55 PM - I arrive home but as I put the car in park I realize I hear snoring in the back of the car, which can only mean a moms worst nightmare..... kids asleep well before bedtime but well after nap time which equals hell time when it comes time for bed.
8:15 PM - After Brent and I have unloaded both kids which in the process means they both awaken and by this time we have both also tried to console them because they are not only tired but now the are tired and very mad.  Don't know if they are mad that they did not get a full sleep or if they are mad we thought they needed to get out of the car seats for their own safety instead of allowing them to stay in there all night alone lol
8:30 PM - All I can do is laugh because they are so upset all they can do is scream and cry and to add to that everything Brent did Leighton would begin to cry even more; although, he was honestly trying to please her lol.
Example #1 - her flowers from Valentines Day are starting to wilt and he pointed that out bu saying it was almost time for Daddy to buy her some new ones which to her was the end of the world, so very sweetly Brent plucked one of the roses with life still in it and placed it in a single bud vase.  As he approached her with it she completely lost it sobbing and screaming.  His face was priceless lol.  He literally looked like a crawfish as he stopped in his tracks then slowly started back peddling into the kitchen.
Example #2 - Brent had stopped to pick up McDonald's for them to make it easy once I got home with them so late and apparently Leighton thought he should of opted for the Super Size Fries when it was obvious he went for the Medium size.  A whole new chain of tears.
Example #3 - I asked that we both calmly try to put them in their pj's but in Leighton's eyes Brent is not qualified for that task as she screamed and threw herself everywhere and insisted Mommy dressed her.
Example #4 - I think by far the best "Daddy can do no right moment" tonight was Brent bought her a brand new pack of Popcorn today and was excited to tell her.  In the moment she begin smiling and squealing in excitement when he offered to pop her some.  After her and Jean Paul had eaten over half of the bag of popcorn Leighton disappeared and then we heard "Mommy come wipe me"  Routinely I finished my Mommy duties of poo poo wiping and she walked out the bathroom straight up to her Daddy and says
"Your popcorn made diarrhea"  I busted out laughing as Brent looked at her and them me confused.  It what baby he asked?  Without any hesitation she repeated her statement loud and clear
"Your popcorn made diarrhea" still shocked Brent looked at me like What?  So to clear things up for him I said "Your popcorn you made gave her diarrhea which basically sums up that you can not do anything right tonight" LOL.  He slowly looks back at her and says "Oh well that's nothing new baby"  Both he and I couldn't help from laughing.  Yes I knew it was a jab at me but it was funny and he was right too.

So this Saturday ended the same exact way it started....
With A Lot Of Tears!!!!!
Yes there were a lot of smiles, giggles and happiness in between the tears but in the end we all just wanted to cry and start over.
There are some days no matter how hard you try there just seems to be nothing you can do right lol.  Praying tomorrow starts off differently for all of us, but overall I wouldn't trade the good moments of today for anything.
Right before bed Leighton proudly walked into the living room with a handful of bubbles.  With a smile from ear to ear she showed them off to me and I asked her where she got them from and she proudly stated "MY DADDY!"  I told her to sneak into the bathroom and stand in the tub and blow the bubbles real real hard and see what happens.  After I snapped this last pic of the night I walked the other away instead of following her into the bathroom, but from  behind me I could hear giggles from a little girl that couldn't help herself from enjoying something her Daddy had done for her and from something her Mom told her to do (both secretly being things not allowed in her eyes).   It was probably the smallest thing in both of our eyes that we had done today. Him handing her a stack of bubbles from the sink as he washed dishes and me instructing her to make a mess; but the laugh I heard coming from the bathroom was pure happiness.
There will be times in their lives that they will like us/appreciate the things we do for them (big or small) and today proved to me those moments will not always be ones that we will witness.  But as parents we must keep trying and showing them we love them because even when we don't get to witness their smiles every single second of every single day.....
it is still worth it if we get them to smile at all!!!!!

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