Saturday, February 10, 2018

Throw Me Something Pepa

Got a text this morning with a message that simply read:

Throw Me Something Pepa!!!!

It's all I needed for my day to start off perfect. 

Because the man...

- who loves Mardi Gras more than any other time of year sent me this text
- that took us year after year to parades when we were younger
- who taught us the tricks to catching the most beads such as:
  • screaming "Hey Doc" at float since there is always at least one Dr on every float
  • always having a pocket full of doubloons ready to throw on the ground when you saw someone you knew on a float (because when rookies hear the dinging of the doubloons hitting the ground they will go down to get them quick which leaves you the only man standing to catch the beads from your friend
  • giving the bead to the kid who fought you for it because there will always be more beads and the smile you get in return is worth way more
- that could care less if it rains or shines on Mardi Gras day because he believes
- who goes every year to the children's floor at our local hospital to participate in their hospital parade just to see kids smile
- that can't wait to be able to invite someone new to experience Mardi Gras Season so they can see why he loves it
- who lives to hear "HEY JOHN O" from the crowd each year
- that packs over a hundred to two hundred crown royal bags each year stuffed with the best beads you can find and a note that reads...
You just got the Royal Treatment from John O
for his friends and lucky parade goers
- who now welcomes my husband to ride on his float so they can make many memories and see the reaction on Leighton and Jean Paul's faces as they see them in the parade
- that I have watched every year since he started riding years ago with the exception of one year that I was 8 months pregnant and he forbid me to stand out there because it was sleeting and the roads had ice on them
- who includes my children in the excitement of the season, and yes that means he always includes our sweet Angel son Braxton too by picking him out a special bead and brings it to him every year at the cemetery

Each year I get to watch my Daddy beam with happiness when it is Mardi Gras time.  For years he managed the City Club which is where the Gabriel riders would begin their Fat Tuesday morning with a breakfast before the big ride.  I remember him saying one day he would be one of those men riding.  Well he wasn't lying he made that happen, but that doesn't surprise me at all.  He now feeds the Krewe of Gabriel men on Monday at the float den as they get in the carnival mood and prepare their floats for the big ride the next day, the ride he is so honored to be in now.  All my life my Daddy has never truly had a hobby such as hunting or fish for example, Mardi Gras Day is his hobby.  He waits all year long for this one day.  It taught me mostly that it doesn't matter what your hobby is, what matters is if your heart is in it.  And watching him pass on the float each year with the biggest smile on his face and the shocked look when he sees me in the crowd is priceless.  It has always tickled me how shocked he truly looks to find me in the crowd because he always know I'm gonna be there, and he always knows before hand exactly where I will be standing lol.  I guess it is the rush of the moment and the adrenaline of the ride!  Now I get to bring my kids each year to wait and see him in all his glory.  Leighton has already learned that Pepa throws the good stuff because just last week we were practicing our Mardi Gras wave and screaming "Throw Me Something Misters" and when I threw her a bead she looked at me in disgust and said "UMMMM these are not like the beads Pepa gives me????"  Well excuse me I guess you will just have to wait for him to throw you the real ones I thought LOL.

Like I said earlier his tradition is his hundreds of Crown Royal bags he throws.  But I must let you all in on a little secret.... Behind every King is an amazing Queen that supports him.  That my friends would be my Mom.  She goes each year and helps him load the bags and separate the beads so that each bag is equal.  And then she prints out his signature saying on business cards with the year and stuffs them in each one!  My Mom has never got the Mardi Gras fever like my Dad does, but she sure does love seeing him get excited each year as he prepares for the big ride!  So if you are in Lafayette, Louisiana on Mardi Gras Day look for John O.  I promise you won't regret getting his attention or one of his Royal Treatment Bags!!!  But most of all look for that smile, the one that brings tears to my eyes each year as his float is past us and continuing down the parade route.  Call me crazy but when you see someone you love so much so happy you can't help but love Carnival Time too!!!

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