Saturday, February 3, 2018

One Month Countdown

For years..... and I mean years it has always been us 5!  In exactly one month we will become 6 and couldn’t be more excited!  So we had one last toast with the originals this evening as we let Robert know how much we love him and support him as he takes this next step in life!  Tonight we are headed to my brother and fiancé’s couple shower in Baton Rouge with family and friends where we will laugh the night away as the engaged couple plays our traditional Musso Newly Wed Game!  After the game my Paw Paw will give a speech to his Grandson and soon to be new Grandaughter, still by far my favorite part of the night!  So as we welcome; Renee, a new member into our family we still hold strong to our family traditions which is what at the end of the day is what makes us so unique!  My Paw Paw Great always welcomed anyone that could handle the noise and chaos to join our family events, and as he told me when I said yes to Brent’s proposal... “Only the true loves last Lil Wong and anyone who agrees to this family is true!”  Now yes he told me that with a couple slang curse words in between but I will leave that to the imagination lol.  But I got the point,  not everyone may be like us or agree with us but everyone has a damn good time when they are around us!  So cheers to my baby brother gaining a partner and for us gaining a daughter in law, sister in law and an Aunt!  

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