Well it is official our Leighton Rose will be a Sts Peter & Paul Knight this August! We are so excited, proud and honored to be accepted into the Catholic School that belongs to our Parish. I can not lie the whole application process was quite nerve racking to say the least. My family has dreamed of our little ones walking these halls for many years. Six years ago we decided that Sts Peter & Paul School should be our way of honoring our Braxton Michael's memory. We have poured our hearts into trying to help others receive a Catholic Education through our fundraiser, while at the same time spreading Braxton's story of Faith, Hope & Love. And even though we have been a part of the School's Family through our fundraiser we now are officially a part of the student body as well. Never did we expect to have a free pass or automatic in we applied like everyone else and sat and waited by the phone to see what God's plan for us was. I do strongly believe in my heart that Braxton watches over the halls of that school, the school we so disparately had hoped he would attend one day. Even though he is not here to do so I know he finds a way to bless each student that is there day in and day out. I can't keep from smiling when I picture Leighton being one of those kids soon.

Once we got the call that we were invited to become a part of the student body I immediatly broke down in tears. I think I caught the Director of Operations off guard as I found it hard to form words on my end of the phone. Through the tears I thanked her and simple said "This is something we have dreamed of for years." Once she learned of my emotions on the other end of the phone I heard her say she was about to cry too. After we hung up I completely lost it. Not only had the anxiety of waiting to see if we were accepted taken over, but the realness of not being able to experience this with Braxton sunk in too. I never want Leighton to feel she is walking in Braxton's what if cloud, but knowing that we should of already had this experience but didn't get to hurts more than I can explain. Sometimes I can roll right through these big first time experiences; but not this time, this time it rolled right over me. This was the first time we had ever had to make a big choice for our child's future but it should of been our second time and that made me ache more than I thought it ever could. The rest of the day I was a complete mess of emotions. As I tried to remember Braxton did have many firsts just in a different way I began to feel his love wrapping me up as if to hug me tight and it wasn't until then that I not only felt in my heart that God has had a bigger plan than I have ever imagined, I also could see it. He has led us to this point and somehow he found a way to include Braxton every step of the way. For years we have proudly supported Sts Peter & Paul School all out of love and truly wanting to honor our son while also helping others. Some years were harder than others, in fact some years I even questioned if we should continue on with our fundraiser. And then some years I even wondered if the amount of money we were donating was enough to actually help. But with the love and support of our family and friends I always found the energy and courage to keep it going. I honestly could not of done it without them either. I also was reminded time and time again that it isn't always the donation amount that means the most; because every dollar counts, but there is so much more behind the money. Through our Braxton Bergeron Scholarship Fund we have helped multiple families continue on with their children's Catholic Education while gaining so much more in the process. Personally my family has connected with many people with huge hearts that want to help just from hearing our story once. Then we have the parishioners at our church that know us by name now when they see us passing out flyers before and after mass each year. It does something to my heart each time I hear:
"Oh it's Braxton time again!"
"Precious boy is still helping others!"
"We still pray for your family!"
How can you not be moved hearing your son has touched others with just his 7 hours of life. And they remember him too and that is exactly what I promised my son.... That he would not be forgotten! Our connection with the school has also created a closeness with our family and friends that is unimaginable. And mostly I love that the younger children in our group of supporters are learning how important it is to give even though you are not receiving something in return. Just knowing you are helping is a great gift and that is what I love being able to show to my kids first hand. So as we watch Leighton start this next chapter in her journey we will continue to teach her how lucky she is and how special she is to us. I am excited to watch her grow and see her learn new things and make new friendships. But no matter what I pray she always knows she is blessed to have her own guardian angel watching over her, because I know (not think but know) he is with her every step of the way! So congratulations Leighton Rose big girl school awaits you and all you have to offer it and all you have to learn from it.
Mommy & Daddy can't wait to see what you will accomplish as you begin
your own journey at Sts Peter & Paul Catholic School!!!!
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