Monday, June 25, 2018

Are You Scared Mommy

I truly don’t know how to even begin to describe the pureness of a child’s heart.  Today I went to orientation for a new job!  I have not had to do this in 12 years y’all!  To say I feel completely out of sorts is an understatement.  I mean last time I applied for a job I printed out my resume and walk in and physically handed it to a human being lol.  Nope not these days everything is online and if you can’t figure it out you better find someone who can teach you quick!!!!  But even though this new journey is unexpected and scary it is a new season for me.... new beginnings!  I truly hope I can find somewhere I fit right in as well as be challenged, appreciated and happy!  So this morning as I got ready in my scrubs; which my kids haven’t seen me in for about three weeks now, Leighton gave me a very confused look.  “Mommy where are you going?”  I told her Mommy was going to a new place today with new people and new adventures!  As she looked at me with the puppy dog face that I knew meant.....oh so I can’t convince you to let me stay home with you today lol.  She asked “are you scared?”  I sat next to her and decided it was best to tell her the truth.  “Yes Peanut, I am a little scared, but it’s ok to be scared sometimes.”  I quickly explained that new things and places can be a little bit scary, but that they can also be fun and exciting.  Lastly I told her I would get to meet new friends and that I knew in my heart I was going to have a great day.  And that was that.  No more questions, yes she had a few more tears but hey she has been sick for almost 5 days now so she was getting used to being with me ALLLL day lol.  Fast forward to this afternoon when I was loading her in the car after daycare.  That sweet face looked at me straight in the eyes and asked “Mommy was it scary at your new place you went today?”  Again I opted for the truth of the matter.  “Yep but you know what?  It was a little scary because it was my first day, but I ended up having a really good day and met lots of nice people!  And I can’t wait to go back and learn more tomorrow!”  “Oh good cause today at rest time I was laying down with my eyes shut praying for you!”  Well how do you respond to your 4 year old coming out with that?  I mean besides tears how do you respond???  “Well I bet that is why I kept feeling that little tug at my heart and wasn’t scared anymore isn’t it?”
“Yep that was me Mommy!”


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