Sunday, June 24, 2018

They Wanted To Not Be Sick

Well the past 5 days have been long for the Bergeron’s!!  I can say hands down the is the worst sickness to hit this house all at one time in a longgggggg time.  My poor babies wanted to feel better so bad.  Sometimes I truly believe they were trying to convince themselves!  At one point nothing seemed to make anyone even slightly happy except makeup and figurines in Mommy’s bathroom.  I didn’t say a word if it made them happy for even 5 minutes I was all for it.  I went in my closet to grab something and came out and saw both of them laying on the floor.  They just couldn’t make their little bodies have the energy they wanted them to have.  It was so hard to see them not themselves.  But I can say I learned something new these past few days.  I learned that the love I have for them is deep and much stronger than any love you can learn.... it is within me even though they may not ever understand it!  At one point I caught myself face to face with two sick kids with the most horrible little sick breaths fuming from their mouths.  As they sat in my lap crying and physically trying to get closer to me than is humanly possible I allowed it.  I learned that even with their stinky sick breaths I love them fully.  I loved their stinky sick breath and as I write it I know it sounds so weird lol.  But I am thankful for the chance to be their Mommy and for the opportunity to try with all my might to make them feel better!!!!  A Mom never stops loving, giving or trying when it comes to her children!!!

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