Thursday, June 28, 2018

No Watch Wednesday

Yesterday my brain was beyond fried from training at my new job and on top of that the kids turned their whining key on the moment I picked them up!  So in the moment I made a decision..... as they bickered in the back about who was going to get to pick what show to watch when we got home for snack time I told them “well nobody will be picking any show today!”  Immediately I heard over and over “Why Mommy? Why Mommy?”  Without even thinking I said “because today is No Watch Wednesday!!!”  Of course the questions started rolling out and so did the tears lol!  But at the end of the day after a visit to the pond, puzzle time and even Leighton helping me organize a few kitchen cabinets everyone was smiling!  Look I’ll be the first to admit the TV is a very convenient babysitter sometimes, but I don’t want them to think that’s all there is to do!  Hopefully we can have more of this quality time and maybe even make some new routines that will show them how fun it is to play together!!!

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