Saturday, June 9, 2018

Goodbyes Are Hard

When you haven’t seen your Poorain and Ney Ney in two months you have a hard tune saying goodbye.  Today I really think my heart broke a little seeing Leighton completely crushed when her Poorain had to drive away today.  She has never had such a hard time when it was time for him to leave.  We had a wonderful afternoon outside playing and just being together and everyone was all smiles until it was time for goodbyes.  I honestly thought within a minute or two she would calm down and go back to playing with the other kids in our neighborhood who were over playing with us outside.  But after an hour had passed and she was still sobbing and saying his name I didn’t know how to console her.  Finally we got her to quiet down and told her it’s hard to say goodbye when we love somebody so much.  As much as my heart hurt fornher today I also love knowing she loves her Godfather sooooooo much!

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