Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Things That Make You Go Hmmmmm

So I decided to post this pic tonight of my brother and his wife and my husband and I last week at a bar..... yep I said a bar lol.  Don’t I look hip? Don’t I look cool?  Don’t I look like young?  Yeah I thought I was too lol; till tonight!!!!  As I was tucking Leighton in tonight she grabbed my hand and started playing with my wedding ring and asked me if she could have it.  I looked at her and her sweet little face and said  “ This is a very special ring your Daddy gave me when we got married; but one day when I am really really old I will give it to you! “. 

“ But Mommy you are really really old now! “

Ummmmmmmmmmm well ok.  So after I tucked her in and walked out I immediately headed toward the wine rack and poured myself a glass.  And since Brent works late hours I stood in the kitchen alone and raised my glass and gave myself a solo toast!!!!! 
 “Cheers to you old lady.... guess it snuck up on you girl!!!!”

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