Sunday, June 17, 2018

Father’s Day

Tonight’s post has been extremely hard for me to start.  The meaning of a Dad is beyond special to me.  Luckily I have been blessed beyond words when it comes to the man in my life, whom I call Dad.  It is no secret; nor has it ever been, about how close my Dad and I are.  This simple fact, but huge part of my life is most likely why I want my kids to have that same bond with their own Dad!  My Dad has walked with me through so many things throughout my life and still stands by my side today.  He is always the one who can  make things better for me when things aren’t going my way. And even though he hurts when I hurt and smiles when I smile I know there is something he can never fix.  He can never take away the pain I carry since losing my son Braxton.  It is something I know he would give anything to do; yet it is not capable of even the greatest man I know.  It may sound crazy but this is when I first began to understand the love of a father and child.  As much as he hurts for me I now look back at my pregnancy and the birth of Braxton and start to see the pain my husband; Brent has.  I feel so selfish still today needing and seeking for answers and direction from Brent during these past years without Braxton.  And yes it is in my eyes a husbands role to try and make things right in a home, but that isn’t a fair statement when it comes to child loss I feel now.
 Why you may ask?  Well it’s because just because he is a man doesn’t mean he is exempt from the same pain I am feeling, the same sense of being lost and the same need of support.  So please as we look at all of the amazing Dads today take a minute and say a prayer for the Dads who have lost a child. They are sometimes the Dads who go unnoticed because they are silently holding it all together behind the scenes.  

Brent from the moment you walked up with Braxton in your arms to introduce him to me for the very first time you instantly became a Father.  You are appreciated, loved and noticed!  You may not know I see how you hold our family together, but I do!  
We love you bigger than the sky!
Me, Braxton, Leighton and Jean Paul


Happy Father’s Day!

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