Tuesday, June 19, 2018

She Gets It From Her Momma

Ok so yes it can be stressful in the mornings with toddlers, routines and time crunches.  But  when your 4 year old literally calls you out about the fact that you aren’t wearing scrubs, which means she believes you are not going to work.... (which by the way she is right about) then the mornings can be even harder lol.  I don’t know wether to to be extremely excited about the fact that she is way smarter than I assumed or upset that I have to keep coming up with excuses about what my daily plans are!!!!    Regardless my heart breaks seeing her cry in the mornings, and I have to admit that I secretly have let her stay home at least once a week over the past month.  Sooooooooooo some of this may be my fault but I don’t feel guilty about gaining a little extra one on one time with my daughter!!!  Maybe one day I’ll tell her the truth, that her Momma is not a morning persons either lol!!

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