Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Cousins = Best Friends

Nothing can ever replace these moments they are sharing!  Late night giggles thinking adults can’t hear them, games galore, outside obstacles, sharing secrets and everything else
that cousins do!  The crazy thing is that they truly don’t know or remotely understand how unique this time together is.  These memories can never be remade and this time can never be replaced.  I pray no matter how many miles their addresses may be throughout their lives they always remain this close.  I can’t help but wonder what Braxton’s  face would look like snuggled up between them in this picture.  But even though it hurts to wonder I can’t help but smile knowing that each one of them has a huge connection with him just as much as if he were in that bed with them!  And that is more than special!!! 


Monday, July 30, 2018

Daddy’s Hands

He works hard long hours for us.  I pray one day our kids see how hard Daddy worked for them!  His hands tell a story... a story of love for his family.  Never underestimate a man with dirty hands; sometimes those dirty hands are a sign of a hardworking Daddy and Husband!!! 

I remember daddy's hands folded silently in prayer
And reachin' out to hold me, when I had a nightmare
You could read quite a story in the callous' and lines
Years of work and worry had left their mark behind
I remember daddy's hands how they held my mama tight
And patted my back for something done right
There are things that I'd forgotten that I loved about the man
But I'll always remember the love in daddy's hands
Daddy's hands were soft and kind when I was cryin'
Daddy's hands were hard as steel when I'd done wrong
Daddy's hands weren't always gentle but I've come to understand
There was always love in daddy's hands
I remember daddy's hands workin' 'til they bled
Sacrificed unselfishly just to keep us all fed
If I could do things over, I'd live my life again
And never take for granted the love in daddy's hands
Daddy's hands were soft and kind when I was cryin'
Daddy's hands were hard as steel when I'd done wrong
Daddy's hands weren't always gentle but I've come to understand
There was always love in daddy's hands
Daddy's hands were soft and kind when I was cryin'
Daddy's hands were hard as steel when I'd done wrong
Daddy's hands weren't always gentle but I've come to understand
There was always love in daddy's hands

Saturday, July 28, 2018

A Boy And His Mommy

Nothing beats the way this little boy looks at me!  He is becoming so lovable it is crazy!  I pray he always loves me this much!

Thursday, July 26, 2018

This Is What 10 Years Of Marriage Really Looks Like

“The marriages that are meant to last,
are the ones who go through everything 
that is meant to tear them apart.
And come out even stronger!”

Lord knows it hasn’t been easy, but today on our 10 year anniversary I can honestly say WOW!  We are surviving life’s ups and downs one day at a time the best we know how....together.  The odds were stacked against us; although we are proving them wrong.  I pray we continue to fight for each other and our family for all the years of our lives!
Happy Anniversary Brent!
Love you bigger than the sky!

“The marriage that survives the death of a child 
includes two people who have calculated their survival.”

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Hand Picked

Exactly 3 years ago we got to share the amazing news that our family was growing.  I am still amazed  with how our journey continues to teach me every single day.  This picture is on our fridge and Leighton talks about it often, but this morning her innocent soul moved me once again.  I told her that 3 whole years ago we took this picture and sent it to all of our family and friends to tell them Jean Paul was in Mommy’s belly.
Leighton:  He was really in heaven with Bubba Mommy.
Me:  Why do you say that sweetie?
Leighton:  Because I waited in heaven with Bubba till Jesus said it was time to “Pop Out”
Me:  That is special and makes Mommy so happy.
Leighton:  Yeah Bubba picked me and then made me wait with him and then he picked Jean Paul.
Me:  Well he sure did pick the best brother and sister in my eyes.

If that doesn’t make you stop and think I don’t know what does!!!!  And the image I have in my head now is that much better.  I can see all my babies together and it makes my heart so happy and proud.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

One Day

Jesus replied,
“You don’t understand now
what I am doing,
but someday 

Oh how I pray this every single night!

Monday, July 23, 2018

Mommy Got A Pay Raise... Sort Of

Well well we’ll this Mommy sort of got a pay raise today.... lol from a 4 year old!  This afternoon Leighton was very excited to tell me about a friend at daycare who lost a tooth today!  “Ohhhhhhh wow did he put it under his pillow for the tooth fairy I asked?”  Yep she said happily!!!  “And you know what the tooth fairy does Mommy?”  As I sat in the front seat of my car driving I giggled and actually braced myself for what she was gonna tell me, because I figured this was gonna be the part where she tells me about getting money under her pillow one day!  Cause believe me other parents can really mess up the game for other parents when they decide to basically take out a small loan for the tooth fairy funds lol!  But NOPE Leighton was bouncing up and down telling me how he leaves Gold Chocolate Coins for you if you put your lost tooth under your pillow!  Score I thought to myself lol.  As I told myself to make a mental note to be ready in a few years with Gold Chocolate Coins on hand for the loose tooth days she decided to tell me more.  “But not my tooth fairy Mommy” ohhh man I wasn’t gonna get out so easy after all.  “My tooth fairy will probably leave me and you a grocery list so you don’t have to write one in your head and forget it!!!!”  I busted out laughing because i knew exactly what she was talking about.  She is so type A personality like her Mommy she loves a good list that she can check off one by one the things she completes.  And when we go to the store she loves to hold my list for me and then check off the things I tell her I am putting in the basket........ but the other day she was a little distraught to learn I didn’t have a list.  We were literally stopping to grab one or two things for dinner that night and she was shocked to hear I didn’t have a list for her.  So when she asked multiple times why not I finally just told her I had a list in my head this time lol.  And sure enough when we got home I said “shoot I forgot something.”  Apparently she took note of that!!!!  So the tooth fairy will be helping us tremendously with leaving a grocery list under her pillow the day she looses her first tooth; and it actually saves me money!!!!!!!

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Mimi & Poppa Day

Today was a special day for Leighton and Jean Paul!!  Today they got to spend the whole day with Poppa and Mimi!  Leighton was beside herself when she found out she was getting to go shopping with Mimi all by herself.  She couldn’t wait to tell me all about their day.  They went to a jewelry store, bought cool duck soap, are lunch “inside” Old McDonalds, got Sonic drinks and of course went to Target!!!!  I loved hearing her tell me all about her and Mimi’s special day.  Poppa was home with Jean Paul and Leighton told me they worked in the yard ALL DAY lol.  I know they both loved getting one on one time with their grandparents.  Days like today it is hard being without my kids, but I always try and remember how blessed they are to spend time with their grandparents!  Each day is a gift and we need to celebrate every single second we have with loved ones!!!

Friday, July 20, 2018

Best Friends For Life

The best advice my Mother ever gave me:
Be nice to your sister.
Your friends will come and go,
but you will always have your sister.
And I promise that someday- she will be your best friend!

Thursday, July 19, 2018

We Are Lucky To Call Her Ours

No words can even begin to express what it feels like to walk in to this!!!!!  Crazy training hours at the hospital coupled with daycare being closed for the week sure can stress a Momma out, but when you have a Maw Maw like this what else do you need!  Don’t know how me and my kids got so lucky to call her ours!!!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Excuse Me What Did You Say?

I knew this day would come but I thought I had a lot more time!!!  Leighton is only 4 and today she voiced her dislike for Mom’s dance moves in the car.  Ummmmmmm no man excuse me do you know who you are talking too?  Apparently not because she completely shut me down this morning and told me it was not ok for me to do that anymore.  
Well little girl little do you know that:
1) It’s was 7 AM when you voiced you didn’t approve of my dance moves in the car, but wait till you see what I can do once I’m really awake ( the real moves come out after 9 sista ).
2) Do you know how long I have waited for my turn to embarrass my children like this??
3) It may be a good time to warn you I can’t back down now because I haven’t even gotten a fair chance in the drop off and pick up line when you start school this August!
4) You should consider yourself lucky I’m not driving “The Tank” as we called my Dads car growing up; the one we begged to be dropped off at the corner in just to hide from our friends ... even if it meant walking a few blocks.  Momma is at least busting a move in a Buick baby!!!!!!!
5) The huge embarrassment this morning was from KLOVE’S Good Morning song by Mandisa; so just wait till I crank the 5 o’clock jam old school honey!
6) And lastly you better go easy on letting me know how much you hate for me to break it down in the car, because it only fuels my fire and only a few phones calls and I can get all your Aunts from Mommy’s high school here to show you how it’s done!!!!!

Monday, July 16, 2018

Swimming School Success

You honestly never know what you are gonna get when you have two toddlers!  Literally the things I think should go smoothly rarely do and the events I literally pray will just be doable end up being so pleasant lol!  So the thought of swimming lessons mixed in with nap times, coordinating with Maw Maw and Mommy’s new work schedule and the unpredictable temper tantrum debuts.... I had anxiety from the get go!  But low and behold my kids earned a medal today for their behavior on their first day of Swim School!  No tears is a major achievement in our world these days.  I am beyond proud of them.  Hearing the excitement in their voices as they told me all about swimming lessons was so worth the anxiety I had early on lol.  Then sharing with them how proud we are of them and seeing them in turn be proud of themselves was something even more amazing to witness.  I can not wait for my turn to take them tomorrow!  Although it may be a totally different experience with Mom there I am keeping my fingers crossed for day 2 to go just as well!!!!

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Satisfying Sunday

Today was one of those days your soul just needs!  Today I did nothing productive in the chores category.  Instead I spent it with my kids doing absolutely nothing other than what they wanted.  We stayed in our pajamas all day (except Leighton who insisted she needed to wear dance leotards lol) and lounged all day long!  The only time we left the house was to ride to the cemetery for a visit with Bubba!  Between puzzles, barbies, muscle flexing contests, I spy in the dark with flashlights, bike riding and multiple snack times the giggles could be heard for at least a mile away I am certain.  
But by far the best part of today for me was getting to snuggle with both of them at nap time.  Yes I should of gotten up and made myself useful during the few quite hours I had, but I didn’t!  I just laid there and I don’t regret it for one second.  We have all been such troopers with our recent schedule changes and today was a reward for that.  Time is too precious and sometimes it’s ok to just be together with nothing else to do except share time!!!!!!

Saturday, July 14, 2018



Heard a good thing to ask yourself today....
Do you recharge your relationship as often as you recharge your phone?????

Friday, July 13, 2018

Daddy Takes Night Duty

So my training schedule at my my new job is different everyday lately.  And with that comes a lot of changes in our house.  The biggest change is probably the fact that Mommy isn’t the one picking them up every single day anymore and some nights I’m not there to put them to bed.  But as hard as it is for me to do this it is also rewarding.  I am enjoying the pics and videos I receive of my kids enjoying their time with Daddy!  Honestly I am starting to think they aren’t missing me at all by the giggles I hear on these videos!!!!!  I mean who wouldn’t love nerf gun wars in the house and corn dog picnics in the living room.  The biggest question I have lately is “Who the heck is gonna do all the laundry now?” Because I seriously think they are wearing something different every time I get a picture.  Honestly today I think they must of had 3 ward robe changes and he has only had them since 5 PM LOL!!!!!!  Phew he is gonna be tired when he learns he has to wash 2 loads of laundry on top of all his other responsibilities when it’s Daddy Duty Night !!!!  No I honestly don’t even care how many times they change as long as I keep seeing their happy smiles while I’m away I will call it a wash..... well I’ll call it MOMMY HAS A LOT MORE TO WASH LOL!!!!!

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Paw Paw’s Little Heart

All my life my Paw Paw has called me “His Heart” and now Leighton has been given the name “His Little Heart!”  Just like my great Grandfather he has nicknames for his grandchildren.  I’ve been blessed to have shared almost 30 years with my a Great Grandfather and so far 37 with my Paw Paw!!!  So seeing my kids get to experience things and have time with their Great Grandfather who goes by Paw Paw Grape ( somewhere down the line someone misheard the word Great lol.). He loves to spoil almost anyone who will let him and especially his family!  And believe me it doesn’t take long for us to catch on to that lol.  A few months ago when we took Leighton to tour her big girl school she pointed out one thing right away...... she noticed that everyone there was wearing white shoes lol.  I quickly assured her that she would get some white shoes too!  Well she had different plans in mind lol!  She explained to me that she wanted her Paw Paw Grape to take her shopping to get her white school shoes.  And that’s just what he did this week. I must also point out that it did not take much for him to agree to her plan immediately!!!!  I honestly don’t know if I have seen Leighton act more giddy than she was starting the night before her shopping spree!  She insisted that he sit with her in the back seat in the car, she acted shy and in awe of him and even wanted to take him to eat spaghetti at her favorite place.  Luckily she wanted Granny Margaret to come just as badly because from what Leighton tells me she is the reason she got to buy two pairs of shoes instead of just one lol!!!!  Nothing means more than time with family and I am so lucky to be able to watch my kids learn that first hand!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Thinking Of All The Grieving Mother’s

Thinking of all he Grieving Mother’s tonight...
Who can’t sleep because their minds are flooded
with flashbacks of their child’s last breath...
And the terrible feelings of,
“I should have”
“What if only...”
Who long to go to sleep 
and dream of their child 
so they can hear their cry and get one last hug.
And who are terrified to go to sleep,
because when they wake up,
the nightmare doesn’t go away.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Where Did My Baby Boy Go

Y’all I just can’t....... I’m literally laying here crying looking at this picture.  Where did my baby Jean Paul go.  Yes back then he never slept, and I mean to the point that I probably could of gotten Dr’s orders to quit my job lol.  But seriously isn’t that sweet face worth losing sleep?  I miss him being this little so much!!!!  Why do they have to grow so fast?

Sunday, July 8, 2018

His Love Is Far Bigger Than We Know

The sweetest little hands reaching over as a read tonight!  If only she knew how much she has healed my heart.  Even though I get lost in the stresses of the day to day world she can always remind me with just one sweet look.......that God always provides!!!!

Learning from the book of John:
“Do you ever feel that your life is too complex for God to understand?  Remember, God created the entire universe, and nothing is too great for him.  God created you, and his love is bigger than any problem you may face.”

Saturday, July 7, 2018

First Sleepover

i can’t believe tonight my little girl finally got one of her biggest wishes.... for Vivi to sleepover!!!
She has been begging to have this and had it even planned out to the tee lol!  So after we all ate and they were ready to load up and head home I think she was a little surprised when I said yes she could ask Vivi to stay!  And so the fun begins lol!  Crazy thing is that her very first sleepover is with my best friend since childhoods daughter; and even better one of my Godchildren!  It sure is funny seeing the world revolve.... WOW it seems like yesterday we were their age playing all day and night.  I hope they always are there for each other the way we still are today; because true friends are hard to come by.  I am so blessed to watch these little girls grow, but I must admit I’m scared to blink.  Soon enough they will be young ladies.  So as I bathed them tonight I tried to capture their laughter in my memory, so I can tell them years from now how happy it made my heart!

There’s something about
childhood friends
that you just
can’t replace!

Friday, July 6, 2018

Smoothies And Smiles

It never fails even on the days I can’t seem to see beyond the stress these babies make me smile.  Not only were they excited to see me after my first late night working in over 15 years ( so the first night ever in their little lives lol)!!!!  But they were ready to drink smoothies and do puzzles with mommy too!  I am trying to stay positive with all the change going on for our family so that they don’t feel my anxiety and worry.  Each day is a new step for us and I pray they see that one day.... that Mommy did everything she could for them.  With their sweet smiles tonight and the amazing signs my precious Braxton sent me today I think I’m doing ok!  Yes I feel like I’m big mess lately, but I have to remember to God I am a masterpiece!  

You cannot control what happens to you,
but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you.
And in that,
you will be mastering change
rather than allowing it to master you!

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Round Two Of Germs

Round 2 of germs and yuck have found us.  My poor little girl just can’t seem to catch a break lately.  This morning after I accused her of not being sick; but just a kid who didn’t want to go to school, 
she ends up having a fever.  Guilty as charged of course I called Maw Maw right away and secured her a bed and place on her couch for the day!  Enough is enough we are ready for this to be the end of  sick time at the Bergeron’s!!!!

Monday, July 2, 2018

No Pants Monday

So Jean Paul is 2 years old, which basically means every other word is NO!!!   So today if I was frazzled or running late please excuse me it’s because my son was refusing to wear pants to school.  After calmly telling him for the 100th time that he had to wear pants to school he looked at me  and said “I can’t!”  As mad as I was I busted out laughing.  So instead of losing it I snapped this pic of him looking all suave and relaxed.  He wasn’t even whining he was just straight forward and to the point..... and that point was Mom it ain’t happening today lady.  LOL

( and yes pants were warn to school today it just took a little inventive tactics from Mom )

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Only Real Girls Fish

I can remember sitting exactly where she is.  Call me crazy but I was that little girl that wanted to be the first one in the boat and then the first one cleaning the fish after they were caught.  And if there was none to clean I wanted to keep fishing to be the one that caught them.  As a child I loved..... well more than loved I literally waited all year for summertime to get to go to my Granny & Paw Paw Bill’s camp.  Nothing big but beyond perfect for what I wanted.  And what I wanted was to fish.  Little did I know I was getting way more than that; I was getting time I could never replace.   I still don’t know how my Granny managed it, but every single time we woke to fish she had piping hot homemade biscuits ready for us.  And I am not exaggerating they were never the kind from a can, they were the real homemade deal!  And for me they always were in a cornbread pan and cut in triangles with the butter placed between the cuts at the exact time it needed to be in order for it to not only melt, but for it to be absorbed in both sides to equal perfection!!!!  And it never failed she got it right each time; yet if you woke up a little bit late you didn’t have to worry because she had it wrapped in a paper towel for you to take on the boat lol.  Sorry to rattle on but all of these memories come back strongly just from these pics of Leighton watching her Daddy clean these fish.  I will never forget the time my Paw Paw Bill took me out fishing all day and when we got back to the camp I was prouder than ever to show off what we had caught.  And as I bragged about my fish he said “Well let’s get to cleaning them.”  Ummmmmm???? And that’s when he calmly and slowly ( cause that is his way) explained to me that I am nothing with a net of fish unless I can catch and clean them!!!  So that’s what we did.... he taught me and I cleaned!!!!!  Fast forward to 15 plus years later...... I finally convinced Brent (my fiancé at the time) to take me fishing.  As we sat on the boat just him and I he asked me “so you bored yet?”  I can remember thinking this fool must be joking?  We had only been there for maybe an hour.  As time passed he started asking me if I had brought any magazines?  What?  Come to find out he didn’t think I would last an hour fishing much less a day!  Pahaaaaa this dude had no clue who he had in his boat that day.  I didn’t just out fish him, but I baited my own hook, took all the fish I caught off the hook and was driven more than he thought to catch more fish than him!!!!  Not only had my Paw Paw taught me to clean the fish I caught..... he had taught me every single thing I needed to know in order to get to the cleaning process.  And he had taught me so much more.  He taught me that:
There is no such thing as the early bird, but there are women willing to roll out of bed just to be in the boat with you.
There are girls out there who understand the importance of boat etiquette silence, but won’t follow the rules for just anyone.
There are reasons only some of us are made to bait our own hooks, but don’t understand why you would consider one who couldn’t.
There is something to be said about a girl who can spend a day on the water with you, but can’t understand why guys never seem to think they are worthy.
There is nothing better than a little girl on a boat with her fishing pole, but before you blink those days are memories!!!!
 Thank you Paw Paw Bill for making so many memories with me.  Memories I don’t even know if you realize you made.  I have always loved fishing with you, but until today when I saw my own daughter watching and asking so many questions didnt realize how very special those memories were!!!