Thursday, July 12, 2018

Paw Paw’s Little Heart

All my life my Paw Paw has called me “His Heart” and now Leighton has been given the name “His Little Heart!”  Just like my great Grandfather he has nicknames for his grandchildren.  I’ve been blessed to have shared almost 30 years with my a Great Grandfather and so far 37 with my Paw Paw!!!  So seeing my kids get to experience things and have time with their Great Grandfather who goes by Paw Paw Grape ( somewhere down the line someone misheard the word Great lol.). He loves to spoil almost anyone who will let him and especially his family!  And believe me it doesn’t take long for us to catch on to that lol.  A few months ago when we took Leighton to tour her big girl school she pointed out one thing right away...... she noticed that everyone there was wearing white shoes lol.  I quickly assured her that she would get some white shoes too!  Well she had different plans in mind lol!  She explained to me that she wanted her Paw Paw Grape to take her shopping to get her white school shoes.  And that’s just what he did this week. I must also point out that it did not take much for him to agree to her plan immediately!!!!  I honestly don’t know if I have seen Leighton act more giddy than she was starting the night before her shopping spree!  She insisted that he sit with her in the back seat in the car, she acted shy and in awe of him and even wanted to take him to eat spaghetti at her favorite place.  Luckily she wanted Granny Margaret to come just as badly because from what Leighton tells me she is the reason she got to buy two pairs of shoes instead of just one lol!!!!  Nothing means more than time with family and I am so lucky to be able to watch my kids learn that first hand!!!!!!

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