Friday, July 6, 2018

Smoothies And Smiles

It never fails even on the days I can’t seem to see beyond the stress these babies make me smile.  Not only were they excited to see me after my first late night working in over 15 years ( so the first night ever in their little lives lol)!!!!  But they were ready to drink smoothies and do puzzles with mommy too!  I am trying to stay positive with all the change going on for our family so that they don’t feel my anxiety and worry.  Each day is a new step for us and I pray they see that one day.... that Mommy did everything she could for them.  With their sweet smiles tonight and the amazing signs my precious Braxton sent me today I think I’m doing ok!  Yes I feel like I’m big mess lately, but I have to remember to God I am a masterpiece!  

You cannot control what happens to you,
but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you.
And in that,
you will be mastering change
rather than allowing it to master you!

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