Monday, July 23, 2018

Mommy Got A Pay Raise... Sort Of

Well well we’ll this Mommy sort of got a pay raise today.... lol from a 4 year old!  This afternoon Leighton was very excited to tell me about a friend at daycare who lost a tooth today!  “Ohhhhhhh wow did he put it under his pillow for the tooth fairy I asked?”  Yep she said happily!!!  “And you know what the tooth fairy does Mommy?”  As I sat in the front seat of my car driving I giggled and actually braced myself for what she was gonna tell me, because I figured this was gonna be the part where she tells me about getting money under her pillow one day!  Cause believe me other parents can really mess up the game for other parents when they decide to basically take out a small loan for the tooth fairy funds lol!  But NOPE Leighton was bouncing up and down telling me how he leaves Gold Chocolate Coins for you if you put your lost tooth under your pillow!  Score I thought to myself lol.  As I told myself to make a mental note to be ready in a few years with Gold Chocolate Coins on hand for the loose tooth days she decided to tell me more.  “But not my tooth fairy Mommy” ohhh man I wasn’t gonna get out so easy after all.  “My tooth fairy will probably leave me and you a grocery list so you don’t have to write one in your head and forget it!!!!”  I busted out laughing because i knew exactly what she was talking about.  She is so type A personality like her Mommy she loves a good list that she can check off one by one the things she completes.  And when we go to the store she loves to hold my list for me and then check off the things I tell her I am putting in the basket........ but the other day she was a little distraught to learn I didn’t have a list.  We were literally stopping to grab one or two things for dinner that night and she was shocked to hear I didn’t have a list for her.  So when she asked multiple times why not I finally just told her I had a list in my head this time lol.  And sure enough when we got home I said “shoot I forgot something.”  Apparently she took note of that!!!!  So the tooth fairy will be helping us tremendously with leaving a grocery list under her pillow the day she looses her first tooth; and it actually saves me money!!!!!!!

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