Monday, July 16, 2018

Swimming School Success

You honestly never know what you are gonna get when you have two toddlers!  Literally the things I think should go smoothly rarely do and the events I literally pray will just be doable end up being so pleasant lol!  So the thought of swimming lessons mixed in with nap times, coordinating with Maw Maw and Mommy’s new work schedule and the unpredictable temper tantrum debuts.... I had anxiety from the get go!  But low and behold my kids earned a medal today for their behavior on their first day of Swim School!  No tears is a major achievement in our world these days.  I am beyond proud of them.  Hearing the excitement in their voices as they told me all about swimming lessons was so worth the anxiety I had early on lol.  Then sharing with them how proud we are of them and seeing them in turn be proud of themselves was something even more amazing to witness.  I can not wait for my turn to take them tomorrow!  Although it may be a totally different experience with Mom there I am keeping my fingers crossed for day 2 to go just as well!!!!

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