Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Excuse Me What Did You Say?

I knew this day would come but I thought I had a lot more time!!!  Leighton is only 4 and today she voiced her dislike for Mom’s dance moves in the car.  Ummmmmmm no man excuse me do you know who you are talking too?  Apparently not because she completely shut me down this morning and told me it was not ok for me to do that anymore.  
Well little girl little do you know that:
1) It’s was 7 AM when you voiced you didn’t approve of my dance moves in the car, but wait till you see what I can do once I’m really awake ( the real moves come out after 9 sista ).
2) Do you know how long I have waited for my turn to embarrass my children like this??
3) It may be a good time to warn you I can’t back down now because I haven’t even gotten a fair chance in the drop off and pick up line when you start school this August!
4) You should consider yourself lucky I’m not driving “The Tank” as we called my Dads car growing up; the one we begged to be dropped off at the corner in just to hide from our friends ... even if it meant walking a few blocks.  Momma is at least busting a move in a Buick baby!!!!!!!
5) The huge embarrassment this morning was from KLOVE’S Good Morning song by Mandisa; so just wait till I crank the 5 o’clock jam old school honey!
6) And lastly you better go easy on letting me know how much you hate for me to break it down in the car, because it only fuels my fire and only a few phones calls and I can get all your Aunts from Mommy’s high school here to show you how it’s done!!!!!

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