Monday, August 6, 2018

Adventure Awaits

Don’t blink they said...
Well I did and when I opened my eyes my baby girl was starting Pre - K!  I would be lying if I said I wasn’t sad, but I would also be lying if I didn’t admit I was excited too.  I just wish it wasn’t time lol. In less than 4 days my 4 year old will start a big adventure.  One that will open the doors to so many paths on her blueprint called life.  The things she will learn, the friends she will meet, the memories she will make along with the smiles, hopes, dreams and yes even the tears she will cry will all start here.  My prayer for her is that she will always stay true to herself and believe in herself in everything she does.  I can’t wait to watch her grow into the girl she is meant to be!  Uniform shopping was set to be a huge event, but 4 year olds seems to have different plans for when they want to play the part for Mommy lol.  We survived let’s just put it that way, but Mommy will have to return to finish up the shopping solo LOL!!!!  But as you see I still got my pics!!!!!  So use them as a reminder that everything you see on Facebook isn’t always real life lol.  This pics DO NOT represent how uniform shopping REALLY went!!!!!!  Your welcome I just blasted all those fake Moms that post pics that make you think they have it all under control!!!!! LOL!!!  Although the meet and greet did go very smooth today!  We met our teachers, classmates, got a high five from Father Derise, picked out a spirit shirt and signed up daddy to volunteer (oops we haven’t informed him of that on yet)!!!

  The highlights for Leighton were:
- her very own name tag badge to wear everyday like Mommy does at work
- her own cubby hole and hanger for her booksack
- a kitchen with pretend food in the classroom
- her friends Aubrie and Levi being in her class
- learning her first job will be the Light Girl for the classroom
( she has already been practicing at home by turning the light on and off all night )
- crayons and her own glue stick in her basket on her desk
- that her play dough was blue ( Bubba’s color )
- running on her new playground
- begging me to take her picture of her on the Dino because “Jean Paul will love it”
- skipping with Mommy all the way back to our car
- pointing out that she used her manners when we met her teacher lol
- pictures of pennies on the wall as she whispered “Pennies are from Angels”  in my ear
- getting candy from two older students that made her feel more comfortable

As we drove off she said she needed to ask me two things.  As I braved myself for what was coming she said:

1) I really wish both my brothers could just come to big girl school with me Mommy, why can’t they?
I tried to keep from crying as I reminded her that Bubba is always with you, you know that baby.  And he is especially with you at school because that is where we honor him with our Annual Jambalaya Fundraiser “Braxton Rice Day”!!!  Jean Paul will be with you in two years... and do you really want him trying to eat all your snacks at snack time silly?  She giggled as I saw her precious smile reappear.

2) What are you going to do sitting in the car when I do school stuff at big girl school?
Ummmmmm well I didn’t know what to say lol.  It was then I realized she is a little more scared than I though she was.  Sweet thing thinks I will be waiting in the car all day long.  I didn’t have the heart to tell her just yet that I will be truly dropping her off in a few days.  It may be wrong but if her thinking I’m right outside in the car Friday on her first day makes her feel safe, then I may just let her.  I may not win any Mom of the year awards for that choice but oh well!!!!

So here we come Pre - K!  Hope your ready for my little girl because she is more than special and ready to leave her mark!

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