Tuesday, August 7, 2018

To Infinity And Beyond In A Big Boy Bed

I don’t know how much more change this Mommy can take.  As if Leighton going to big girl school at the end of this week wasn’t enough; Turtle got surprised with a big boy bed today!  Please wish us luck on this one lol.  Don’t know if he is more excited about the bed or the Toy Story sheets Maw Maw special ordered.  He didn’t act super surprised when Maw Maw and Pepa showed up with it, but as the night went on I think it started to set in that it was really his lol.  Leighton played the big sister role to a tee.  She never whined once that he got a surprise and she didn’t.   Instead she was over the moon excited for him and that made me very proud.  So night one is underway. 

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