Thursday, August 9, 2018

Proud Mommy

I seriously do not know what we would do without my parents.  The are beyond the best!!!!  With all the schedule changes lately they have helped us more than we could of ever asked for.  Hopefully things will begin to find a routine soon, but for now I am so blessed to have them helping us.  Today was dentist day for my babies and once again Maw Maw came to the rescue.  But not only was it dentist day it was also Jean Paul’s first appointment ever.  I would of bet money he was going to cut up and leave with dirty teeth just to prove a point lol.  But to my surprise he did amazing.  So is that because Maw Maw took him?  Or because of the way Mommy is raising him lol.  Lately it has been World War III around here when it comes to Jean Paul and I.  The way we butt heads is unreal lol.  But if he continues to act good in public and respectful to others I can’t complain.  I actually think maybe we are doing something right lol!!!!!

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