Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Daddy May Need Cosmetology Classes

Read text from Brent in picture above before reading this blog lol!

My poor baby girl!  Her first two weeks of big girl school and Mommy has to be at work for 5 AM sooooooooo guess who is left to do her hair?????  And for all of you who are like “OH SHA that’s so cute” he doesn’t mean a hair rubber band.  Yep my little girl went to school with more bumps than Louisiana I 10 and had a real old school tan rubber band in her hair.  And not a new one, it was tied in a knot because it was so old and dry rotted from being in the center console of her Daddy’s truck lol.   So needless to say she was ready to tattle on him big time by the time I picked her up from school lol.  One more week baby girl then Mommy will be home for awhile to do your hair in the mornings lol!!! 

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