Sunday, August 5, 2018

Let It All Out

Truth is my shirt says it all in this pic lol!!!!  The second truth is I didn’t even realize I had this shirt on until I looked back at the pics tonight.  Especially when you run out with no makeup to see the water wall for the second time and pray everyone is smiling for the pics! So yes my Mom and I took the kids for a very quick trip to Houston this weekend to see my brother (Poorain) and my sister in law (Ney Ney)!  We had lots of fun with giggles, swimming, naps, food and of course ..... meltdowns!  It’s to be expected but sometimes enough is enough lol.  And by the end of the weekend this Mommy had had enough.  Well let’s just say it was due time for my own meltdown; which indeed I had!!!!  But what I want to point out is that my Mom supported me through it all.  Instead of lecturing me and trying to tell me how to do it better she simply said “let it out” as I sat there crying!  It was just what I needed too.  Yes I know there are things I can do better but that’s not what I needed to hear in that moment.  Now once I had my moment and got it out she did mention she had stories she could share of how I pushed her to the limits years ago lol, but of course I didn’t let her one up me!!!!  I can’t explain how much her silent understanding meant to me today.  We come from a big family and a very loud one at that.  We never hold back and we always say what’s in our mind, but sometimes just being there is more than enough.  Thanks Mom for letting me get it out today.  I love you more than I can ever express and your support means the world to me.  Because the truth is all I have ever wanted was to be a Mom as great as you!

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