Sunday, August 26, 2018

Religion 101 With Leighton

 Leighton:     Hey Mom!!!!!
Me:     Yeah Peanut?
Leighton:     I named Jean Paul’s two ninja turtles God and Jesus!
Me:     Oh well that sure makes them nice turtles.
Leighton:     But then I told Jean Paul I can’t name that one God but we can still name this one Jesus and now he is mad and crying at me.
Me:     Well why can’t you leave the names as God and Jesus sweetie?  Those are really nice names and if it makes him happy then that should make us happy?  Right?

Cue sassy stance....  hand on hip, pajamas, heels, sunglasses and attitude!!!!

Leighton:     Mommmmmm Mrs Abshire said God is a spirit and Jesus is a man!  So we can’t name the ninja turtle God because he is a spirit!!!!!
Me:     Ohhhhhhh now I see that does make perfect sense!!!!

I can’t argue with that can I?  I guess “God Class” (Religion) is working for this little girl lol!!!

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