Saturday, April 28, 2018

6th Annual Braxton Helps Fundraiser Time

I have to pinch myself in order to honestly realize it is our 6th Annual Braxton Helps Fundraiser!  WOW!  Today starts our weekend of ticket sales at all of the masses at Sts Peter and Paul Church.  I could go on and on about how amazing this is for us and how each year something else tugs at our heart proving Braxton’s story is still helping others... because believe me the list is never ending!!!!  But right now I want to take a moment to thank all the people behind the scenes that actually make this dream of mine come true!  It’s the friends and family that line up to help with sales, get the tickets printed, meet you whenever and where ever so you can have the picture you envisioned on your flyer this year, the petty cash bank queen, babysitters taking shifts to help keep my kids, the parishioners that support us year after year, the kids that now recognize my sons picture and call him by name and lastly the ones that want to be there in person but can’t and still find time to ask me how sales went today!!!!!!  It may seem easy from the outside looking in but it does take a small
Army to support this dream of mine to keep my sweet boys memory alive!!!!  This weekend is a big one for our event, it is our “go all out” time!  And I can’t thank my team enough!  It may seem like nothing but it a HUGE something to me!!!!!!!!  Today as I was he’s Leighton (now 4) and Savannah (3 days older than Braxton would be) handing out flyers and telling people what we were doing it made me tear up.  This is truly what it’s about y’all... teaching our kids to give back.  I pray they always find a good cause to care about with all their heart like they do this one!  I can’t wait to see how Braxton Helps gives back this year!!!

Jambalaya Plate Sale May 6, 2018 💙

💙Email us to order tickets at:

💙Or click the link below to donate:


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