Thursday, April 5, 2018

The Small Things Mean The Most

I don’t care who you are or what you go through in life sometimes the smallest things still mean the most.  And personally to me those small things are actually the biggest blessings I call my family.  It is no secret my brother has always been one of my biggest supporters; to a point where he could be known as my own personal fan club leader.  I do not know how I could ever do this life without him and I pray he feels the same exact way about me.  In one of the most old fashioned ways known to man; a delivered bouquet of roses, he simply let me know he loves me.  That simple message reminded me of how blessed I am in this world that can be hard and ugly at times.  I have been an open book for the last 6 years by admitting I am clueless to how I have survived some of the curve balls  I have been thrown, and I am admitting it again now... 
but with Faith, Hope and Love and the greatest of these is LOVE...
I will not fear what is yet to be!
Knowing you are loved is far more comforting than anything else in my eyes.  Which brings me back to the day I had to hand over my precious baby boy back to Jesus; I know in my heart the love he felt that day as he took his last breath was far greater than any pain or fear he ever felt.   
The strength I have gained from witnessing that will fuel me for a lifetime!!!

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