Wednesday, April 18, 2018


Impromptu date night thanks to my amazing Mom who kept our kids so we could have a dinner date. Of course it was much needed as all parents would say of young toddlers.  But it wasn’t till we were paying the bill and an older gentleman started taking to us that I was reminded of how important time together is.  He simply asked how long we had been married and we responded with “10 years this July!”  His eyes lit up and I thought he was about to share a story with us about his own marriage, but instead he praised ours.  He began to explain why 10 years of marriage was something to be proud of and something to celebrate.  Brent and I started rattling off all the reasons we need to postpone a small getaway or any type of celebration.  The kind man was adamant to explain to us that none of the financial things mattered.  After a wonderful discussion he left us with one last thought.... he said in a few years your kids won’t want to hang around with Mom and Dad because they are to cool for that, then they will move out and start lives of their own and then you will only be lucky if they want to live near you years after that.  This sweet mans daughter lives 2 doors down from him and he was beaming with pride but he also told us it wasn’t always this way.  As he looked at both Brent and I one at a time he stressed that the time may not seem right, but indeed it is perfect timing to put every effort into each other.  As I heard him say the words I couldn’thelp but  think he was our own angel sent here to give us a message.  A message we should know for ourselves but sometimes need to be reminded of.  Raising kids is hard, exhausting and more than anything it is the most rewarding job on this planet.  But as each day passes our parenting days our dwindled one by one.  Yes we will always be there Mommy and Daddy, but they won’t need us the way they do now.  And when that time comes it will be only Brent and I left to fill in the gaps that used to be filled with what we now consider chaos.  So yes a simple Wednesday night date night is a big deal and should be considered very important!!!!!  Praying all couples stop every now and then and realize how fast time moves and how precious each second is!!!

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