Sunday, April 15, 2018


Sunday’s are for family!  Leighton helped me say the rosary today on my phone app before we even got out of bed this morning!!!  Still can’t believe how special these little moments that are unplanned end up being.  Last night the sleep fairies were not anywhere near our house lol.  Jean Paul seemed to be so over tired that he could not stay asleep and was awake every hour screaming poor thing.  By 3:30 AM all of us were in one bed and finally my babies were sleeping.  But that means Momma wasn’t lol.  With about 1/4 of an inch of the bed left for me to sleep on I laid there unable to ever completely fall asleep as I was worried with each move I made I would wake them and start the whole process over again.  Somehow at sometime we must of all drifted to sleep for a little while.  And after we started waking for the day Leighton and I stay under the covers and snuggled a little longer.  I whispered to her that we had overslept and missed church so we needed to pray together and tell Jesus we love him.  That is when I showed her my Rosary app and started in the best way I could explaining to her that Mommy prays the rosary a lot when she is alone.  She was so proud hear me say the Our Father and Hail Mary!  It was a very very special moment that I will hold dear to my heart forever.  Since we had woken late we decided it was a day of whatever goes lol!  A trip to the  pond dressed to impress with outfits they picked out themselves (which if you know me that is NOT easy for me to step back from lol), lunch of their choice, naps with movie time, chalk art, grilling with Maw Maw & Pepa, art lessons and stencil class and we wrapped the night up with an old fashioned dance party!  Not a thing really got done today that was on my to do list but then again....who cares!!!!  Sunday’s are for family and I have to say it was a pretty great Sunday!

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