Friday, April 27, 2018

Family Game Night

Nothing calms the soul more than laughter!  Last minute sleepover at Maw Maw & Pepa’s tonight is just what we all needed!  The moment I told the kids we were headed for a slumber party with them there faces lit up.   We even got to play board games once Jean Paul fell asleep!  The laughter and giggles were priceless.  This time together can not be bought, that is how precious it is. Life is tough but it’s so important to take a step back sometimes and remember the little things.  Things change but family is forever.  And my kids will never be this age again which means I can never get this day back.  Once again this is something I should know first hand but even after losing a child life can take over.  It can twist your focus off of what truly matters.  Tonight I got that focus back as I watched my children with my parents. 

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