Sunday, April 22, 2018

A Date

Nothing beats a daddy daughter date!  This little girl was given the option today to stay home with Mommy or go to the the Cajuns b-ball game with Daddy.  I can’t say if I was more shocked or sad by her choice of choosing the b-ball game with Daddy!  But why was I shocked????  She loves her Daddy and she loves the Cajuns so how did I ever think I may even be in the running lol!  Like a good Mom I dressed her and smiled as I let her go on her way.  And as she asked me if it was ok for her to go “on a date with Daddy” I told her yes of course.  Then she asked me if I could take her on a date next time....   I’m pretty sure she was asking so she could get a special night with me but I also think she was asking so I wouldn’t feel so left out!  It’s pretty obvious I told her yes!!!!  But then her sweet little face turned and looked at me and asked “what is a date?” As she giggled.  I simply explained a date is special time between 2 people.  And in true Leighton fashion she said “I’m special and you are special so that’s 2 special people right Mom?”  When a 4 year old puts things into perspective for you to feel special at 37 you start rethinking things.  But the things you start rethinking aren’t what you ever thought would be the big things years ago.  You start thinking about the fact that your child thinks you are beyond special which means nothing else matters in this world in that moment...... NOTHING!

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