Tuesday, April 17, 2018

No Blog Tonight

Well no time for blogging tonight.  I had a certain little boy that only wants to be held.  And honestly that is perfectly fine with me.  Looks like it’s a snuggle night on the couch for me and turtle!!!!!!  It’s funny this is happening tonight because I was just telling my parents at dinner that I never told them that for my whole maternity leave with Jean Paul I slept on the couch so that I could secretly let him sleep on my chest all night long.  I never wanted to put him down which probably led to some of his sleep regression troubles he had until around 22 months old.  Those sleepless nights were long and exhausting, but looking back I don’t regret a thing.  If I could do it all over again I would still hold him every single night.  Blogging will have to wait till tomorrow; I have something very special to tend to!  I love that he wants his Mommy to hold him tonight because if he only knew how much his Mommy needed to be held just as much as he does!  

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