Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Sorry Not Sorry

I have never understood the whole term... kids don’t come with a manual???? Well today it hit close to home.  Leighton and Jean Paul both had their well visits.  Ok so I’m one Mom with two toddlers under 4 and you expect this to go smoothly?  Yes both of their birthdays are in March so thank you I can schedule both of their yearly visits together.  Thank you for that!!!  So that means I have to not only pray they both want to sit/stand on the scale willingly then after that doesn’t go as planned I have to answer questions over screaming kids calmly and rationally.  And as you u ask me “do you have any other concerns?” I go go blank?????  And when I semi gain reconsciousness I answer yes to everything and then freak out in the car because I may have answered incorrectly which now means I have hurt my child’s progression in LIFE!!!!  Cause god forbid they aren’t headed up that graph they pull out in front of you in the office lol.  Then you have to love them questioning your husbands actual height as if it were putting your child in the “OUT OF NORM” spectrum.  I mean you said my child may be over 6 feet tall by your standards????  Which if my add is the same child you said may be over 10 lbs at birth and she was no where near that!!!  So do you really think I’m scared to walk in and you tell me my child “may be off the growth chart” when you also told me she may be so big at birth I should fear birth????? Nope lol I handled that birth like a champ and your scale was beyond off so I’m gonna go ahead with pop tarts as our standard for 3 healthy meals a day and feel GREAT about myself!!!!  And I think I’m gonna let them celebrate with a Big Breakfast at “Old McDonald’s” with friends just because.  Call me a just get by Mom if you want; but I consider myself a realistic and you deserve a prize type of Mom.  And that is just what my kids got today!!!  

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