Monday, September 17, 2018

Dance, Dance, Dance

This girl here is something else!  All day everyday she will dance if you let her.  She tells me she practices so she can be better and better and one day do her own stuff in the big stage lol.  Leighton has only had one Dance Revue in the books and this chick is ready for a solo.  She was crying this weekend because no one let her pick what “sassy moves” she wanted to do on stage.  Ummmmmmm she has a hard lesson coming if she thinks a solo is any time soon lol.  I honestly am super impressed with her freestyle dancing and the way she dances with the music.  She has no desire to be in any other activities which I will make her try, but right now she fights me word for word every time stressing “I JUST WANT TO DANCE!” Lol!!!!!!  And to top it all off she informed me today with some pretty funny info!
Me:  Leighton when do you practice all these amazing dances you show me every night?
Leighton:  Mom I already told you.
Me:  Oh I must of forgot already.  Tell me again.
Leighton:  I told you I lay under the tree or on the concrete ( or concreek as she calls it ) at 3rd recess.
Me:  Um yes you did but that is not practicing if you are laying down lol???
Leighton:  Yes it is!  I lay down in the shade and think dance, dance, dance inside my cute little head cause it is just toooooo hot to play!

Ohhhhhhhhhh wow ok so how do I hide the tears when I’m dying laughing so hard I can barely breathe.  She has been telling me how hot the last recess is but if she is practicing dancing without even moving....  I can’t even handle it y’all I’m dying laughing again just thinking of her telling me this!!!!  But I will say she may be on to something because she is pretty darn good for mind practicing!!!!

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