Monday, September 24, 2018

Sick Baby Girl

Last night right after midnight I heard little feet dragging across the floor and when I finally saw Leighton standing in the door way my heart hurt for her as she stood there crying saying “Mommy my tummy hurts so bad.”  Earlier that evening we had let the kids have a movie night on the air mattress in the den with us so since it was still up I told her she could lay with me and snuggle till she fell back asleep.  Well sadly she couldn’t get comfortable enough to ever fall back asleep.  About 30 minutes later I told her to wait there while Mommy went into the bathroom to find the heating pad for her to use.  As I came back into the living room with the heating pad once again I found my little girl standing there crying.  “I’m so sorry Mommy it is just a little bit I tried to stop it.”  Poor baby had thrown up a lot, it was down her pajama arm and even in her hair.  As I stripped her I told her it was ok that it happens and that’s probably why her stomach hurt so bad.  When I turned the corner I was shocked to see the whole air mattress completely covered on one side. Ok operation clean up go time.  I stripped the bed and wiped it down with cleaner and threw everything including her pajamas into the wash.  I got her into my bathroom with the heater on and told her to stay there while I mopped the floor real quick.  I had to have her shower because I couldn’t imagine her sitting in that dirty tub water and I didn’t want her to use her bathtub because it is back to back with Jean Paul’s wall and the last thing we needed was him joining this party lol.  When I got her into the shower she just kept apologizing and telling me it wasn’t me it was the throw up that did it.  Broke my heart because she was so worried about me being upset she wasn’t even hearing me tell her it was ok.  So of course I had to snuggle with her all night and keep her home for more rest and snuggles.  As of today she was back to her normal self.  There is something weird about loving them needing you when they are sick but at the same time hating when they are sick!!!!  But I will take her snuggles anytime and she can always count on me when she wants them too!!!!

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