Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Mommy Award Goes To... Not Me Today LOL

So today was a big day for Leighton Rose!  Today was the today she was testing Mommy on trying to make drop off go the same exact way Daddy does it and her first day of dancing this season! 

 Literally she has been prepping me all weekend telling me how Daddy does drop off to the tee. 
1) He gets to school when there are only a few cars in line.
(Meaning: He is there early lol... not late!)
2) He arrives at school when it is closed which she says means she gets to climb in the front seat.
(Meaning: He gets there early lol!)
3) He puts a towel in the middle to make a table for her to eat her breakfast while they wait for school to open.  He brings her a juice, a plate and a napkin.
(Meaning: He spoils her and a poptart out the wrapper in her car seat isn’t going to cut it!)
4) He gives her her booksack after they make the big turn to get in the actual drop off line.
(Meaning: She expects the timing to be right like his!)
5) He says have a good day and give me a kiss before they open the door to help her out.
(Meaning: She doesn’t want to be bothered when it’s time to get out... she has to get to the playground lol!)

And I’m happy to report I passed the test!  She did tell me we could still play the Good Morning song by Mandesa that we sing and dance to every morning.
(Meaning: I am at least doing something right with my drop off routine that brings her a smile in the morning.  And I expect Daddy to master the dance moves and energy I put into that song next time he does drop off lol!)

The second thing that was a big deal today was dancing!!!!  This girl dances everyday and wants to practice nonstop.  She has been even sleeping in her leotards lately because she wants to wear one every second she can.  I’m pretty sure she has asked almost every day since her Dance Revue when it was time to go back.  So of course since I knew she was excited to start I was excited.  So we have been counting down for weeks.  I woke her up saying, “It’s dancing day!!!!!!!”  She popped out of bed so excited to start the day because she knew after school she got to go to dancing class!

Welllllllll you see what happened next was???????
Yeah the parking lot was completely empty.
The door was locked.
And a sign on the door basically confirmed it doesn’t start till next week!!!!!!!!!

This Mom is tired y’all, but I still usually manage to keep us somewhat organized.  And by that I mean/admit we may be really tired but on the outside we look prepared because Mommy stayed up past midnight to make sure everything was perfect and ready to go lol!  Well I must say I forfeit this time, I didn’t win this round lol.  Luckily Maw Maw and Pepa treated her to dinner to help ease the tears and let down Mommy had caused.  Secretly I know my mom was laughing so hard inside because she knows each day I am slowly becoming more and more like her lol!!!
So the count down has begun again...
7 days till dancing starts lol!!!!

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