Friday, September 7, 2018

Healing & Hope Retreat

Blogging a little early tonight to ask a favor!  It would mean so much to me if you could please keep Brent and I; along with the other Angel parents here, in your thoughts and prayers this weekend.  We are beyond blessed to be attending a Healing & Hope Retreat with our amazing support group Maddie’s Footprints.  We will be guided by April Boyd, a professional therapist and founder of The Love & Loss Project.  She has helped multiple families across the globe through specialized  healing, specifically focused on infant  and child loss.  Sadly she knows the process all too well, her daughter Nora gained her angel wings as a newborn.  I’m excited, nervous and a little scared of the emotions that may arise this weekend, but I also know it is needed.  I’m hoping to reconnect with Brent and be able to explain to him how hard my grief journey still is even after 6 years.  I also am looking forward to being surrounded/supported by other families who truly understand the pain in my heart.  So until Sunday friends please send us good vibes.  We couldn’t head out on the 2 hour drive for the retreat without a visit to our sweet boy.  Then it rained the entire way here; literally we had emergency flashers on, until the moment we parked at the camp ground... the sun beamed through the clouds as of all the angel babies were rejoicing in what was going to take place here this weekend!

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