Wednesday, September 26, 2018

New Family Outings

Mommy has started working the night shift y’all!  I truly understand now what my Mom and Dad meant when they would say “One day you will see that you do what you have to for your family!”  I never dreamed that I would work this schedule, but here I am at 37 with 2 toddlers at home and I’m  working the 5 PM - 5 AM shift.  Please don’t even feel sorry for me though because I am still thanking God for all the unanswered prayers these last few months.  I truly thought I was done and I was more than worried and anxious worrying what was next for me.  I prayed nightly to be able to keep my job even though I felt unappreciated and unhappy.  Some of my coworkers literally were my oxygen keeping me sane the last few years with their friendship and help.  Little did I know God would push me into a place to work and provide for my family; all while being surrounded with amazing new coworkers and friends.  So I may not be where I imagined I would be 15 years ago, but I am proud and happy to be where I am in this new chapter that I embarking on!  So with new schedules comes new ways to spend time together as a family before work sometimes.  Tonight we got to do homework at Agave with chips and dip and lots of giggles!!!!!  Oh and we are also finally stepping into the phase where Brent and I can enjoy eating out with our kids.  They are really learning how to behave and be respectful in public... FINALLY LOL.  Although Daddy decided to knock over his whole Diet Coke that fell right onto Jean Paul as he squealed at the top of the lungs before he burst out in tears because it was so cold!  So yes now are kids are acting right but Mom and Dad are causing a scene lol!!!

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