Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Work Hard For Your Money

Our first Book Fair experience was a success... thanks to Maw Maw lol!!!  Sounds like it should be simple, just an elementary book fair right????  Sure it is until you throw in about 300 other kids running around trying to persuade their parents to buy them tons of books!  And we can’t forget the help of the teachers who so graciously let the kids make a list of 5 books they really wanted, but then leave it up to us parents to break the kids little hearts when we tell them 5 books is really to many lol.  Anyway it turned out to be lots of fun and a great fundraiser for our school!  So cheers to Maw Maw for agreeing to tag along so we could each take one child to chase after.   The cutest thing was seeing Leighton and all her little friends running and hugging each other when they noticed another one had arrived.  It also was a great way to get both of my kids to help out around the house this past week.  We let each of them decorate an envelope and challenged ( or bribed whichever way you want to see it ) them to do good, help or not whine and then they could earn a dollar to add to their book fair stash!  Now you must know they both earned quite a few dollars, but they also had some taken out of the envelope too!  Jean Paul had to give back a little more than Leighton but who is keeping track right lol!!!  Anyway I think it actually was a great way to give them a goal to reach for because they sure were proud to walk into the library today with their envelopes of hard earned money!!!  Leighton found a way to jump start her cash though... she’s no dummy lol.  She went straight to the source; her Great grandfather Paw Paw Grape!!!  I on the other hand was always afraid to call and ask him for money when I wanted something, but this girl learned quick that he loves to spoil his grandkids!!!!  And like he said “You never know till you ask!”  And once she asked and he agreed to help her fill her envelope with some money she got busy making another list of books; and a thank you note of course!

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