Wednesday, January 3, 2018

A Boy And His Dino’s

The whole boy toy phase is still sinking in with me lol!  I’m so used to baby dolls, barbies and princesses!  And although Jean Paul is pretty happy with any toy you put in front of him he still loves his true boy toys!  Trucks, tractors, cars, animals and of course Dino’s are among his favorites!  I just love when he gets excited and screams “Dino Mommy Dino!”  Then once I acknowledge his Dino he always gives me a big RRROOOOOOAAAARRRRRR!  I still catch myself telling him how cute his Dino’s are and quickly try and switch my brain into boy mode..... LOL!  I still can’t figure out how stinky, dirty, little boys can be 100% all boy one moment and then in a split second can turn into sweet, precious, lovable Momma’s boys and melt our hearts!  It’s true little boys steal their Mommy’s hearts because I could just squeeze him every single night!  Mommy loves you Jean Paul and your Dino’s too!

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