Friday, January 5, 2018

Friday Nights With My Babies

As they both sit here on top of me I can’t help but wonder what it would feel like to have one more in this moment!  It feels crowded right now but I promise you would fit.  It wouldn’t feel like anything but normal with 3 fighting for my attention.  But as hard as it is to realize you aren’t here I know such a big part of you is.  I love Friday nights at home with my babies and that includes you too Braxton.  I see you in their eyes so much every single day.  Not a day goes by that I don’t wonder how things would be different if you were still with us!  But you always seem to show us signs!  Just like tonight as we watch ice skating on TV and you sister; Leighton, screams with pride that’s Bubba’s song she is skating to Mommy!  And sure enough Amazing Grace was the song!  Her arms raised to the sky she kept looking up saying “Bubba it’s your song!”  That’s all I needed to know my Friday night was perfect with all of my babies here with me!

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