Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Fun Family Night

Tonight after dance class we took the kids to dinner with Maw Maw & Pepa!  As usually it can be a lot of work to be in public for dinner with 2 toddlers, but sometimes it’s worth the fuss to all be together!  Overall everyone was good and very well behaved which makes this Mommy very happy!  We even went around the table and each said something thy made us happy today.  That is something my parents used to do with my brother and I every time we all sat down together for dinner.  But now days with Brent working two jobs and me getting home around 6 from daycare it seems dinner is just chaos and trying to get everyone happy with what is on my menu lol.  It is exceptionally hard when you have a son like Jean Paul who you would swear doesn’t eat all day at daycare, he literally acts like he is starving the second his feet enter our house.  But tonight even through the stress of being out to dinner it was very nice to see everyone smiling and genuinely listening to everyone tell what made them happy today!!!!!!  It made me realize that even slowing down for something as simple as that can mean so much!!!  I want to really make an effort to continue that with my kids!  After dinner Brent loaded them in my car so he could run for a gallon of milk before he headed home.  By now I’m surprised we haven’t priced our own cow due to amount of milk we buy for Jean Paul alone lol.  As we turned out of the parking lot Leighton started saying she didn’t want to go home she didn’t want the fun to stop.  So I said you want to do one more fun thing before we go home?  She screamed Yesssss which made Jean Paul scream it too!  I pulled into the next parking lot and turned my car around and headed to Aunt Abby and Lucy’s house which was only seconds away ( my kids totally think Mommy made a huge turnaround by the way I over exaggerated the movements of the car while making the U turn they have no clue their house was not out of the way and I will never tell them lol)!  As we pulled in front of our friends house we rolled down the windows and turned on all the car lights then we called Aunt Abby.  When she answered we said get Lucy and come outside!  Next thing we knew they were standing on the porch giggling as we all screamed at the top of our lungs “We love you Aunt Abby and Lucy!!!!!!!!!”  Even Jean Paul joined in too it was so precious.  Especially seeing little Lucy’s hand waving from the porch!!!!  And just like that we drove off!  The kids giggled the whole way home as Leighton kept asking Jean Paul in the back seat “ Jean Paul wasn’t that incredible?”  Once again the simplest thing that took minutes of my time made my kids smile tonight!  And after the last few weeks I needed that spur of the moment thrill just as much as them!  Only thing is Leighton also keeps saying we did a drive by tonight cause she heard me say that..... ummmmmm I really hope she doesn’t go to school tomorrow telling her friends and teachers that we did a drive by last night LOLLLLLLLL!  

Memories are made wherever you choose to make them!!!

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