Sunday, January 21, 2018

Night Out

Can’t lie getting ready to go somewhere with friends is not as easy as it used to be.  Between trying to find time to shower and look at least presentable after a weekend with 2 kids while Brent was away and the battle of the self guilt of leaving them before I even walk out the door phew I’m already tired lol.  Yes today I got some Mommy time.  And yes it took over 3 and a half hours just for me to get myself ready with one screaming for juice every 5 minutes and the other one begging for her iPad which I don’t allow her to use all day long like she thinks she should be allowed to do!  Then right when I think I have them settled and happy they either decide to pretend to be WWE Wrestlers or see who can jump off the furniture with the most air time??????  But I did it and you know what I had a damn good time once I got out lol!  Dinner and a broadway play with one of my oldest friends Katie! Good thing the play had a start time because we may have stayed at the restaurant and ordered another bottle of wine lol!  But what do you expect when 2 girlfriends haven’t seen each other in forever.... there is a lot to catch up on!!!  There is something to be said about friends that you don’t get to see or talk to everyday like you used to before kids, but somehow seem to always catch up like no time has passed!  And to be honest I had a lot of excuses I could of used to just stay in my pj’s and just stay home but I’m so glad I didn’t!  Don’t ever think you are alone in this world ladies.... your friends are just as busy as you are but we need to figure out how to make time for each other more.  I felt lost for such a long time in the friend department growing up but when I met Katie and the rest of “her” girls I honestly knew I found my own true friends!  There has been so much that we have shared and been through together and I don’t know if I can ever ask for better friends!   Some things I don’t think friends will ever in their lifetime experience and honestly I pray they never have too, but if so I pray they have the support I have had!  The test of time and hardships has tried its hardest to come between us but some bonds can not be broken and some friends love you enough to not let you slip away!  Never forget the ones who have been there through it all!

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